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Hey! I missed ya guys, I missed this book so let's just *crankthatfrank voice* diiive right in! :D

**WARNING: This chapter contains spoilers of the recent Sanders Sides video, "Putting Others First- Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux". If you have not watched this video, I strongly encourage you to watch before you read this chapter, or else you will face big spoilers ahead. I will post the link below this message if you want a quick view. If you have watched this before, you most likely know what's happening, and while I encourage reading this chapter because it is not entirely comprised of the video, not too much will be missed. Read at your own discretion/leisure. 


Sorry, it's so long. I tried to find a better place to split it up, but I couldn't. This will sort of  be in 2 parts, though. The next one will be up within a few days.

Also, the picture above will be explained at the end. 

{Author's POV}-The Imagination, Virgil's sector. 

     Remus waited, perched on the bench he conjured across from the cell as he watched the still figure occupying it. The only movement was the steady rise and fall of his chest indicating life, which gave the Duke some comfort. It had been about an hour, and he knew that he had to alert his brother and the others at some point, but he was hoping Virgil would be awake before then.

    Today seemed to be the day for things to go his way. 

    "Hm...what the...?" Remus perked up at the grunting coming from within the cell. He watched carefully, looking for any signs that could differentiate Virgil from his other half, but it was hard to tell. Finally, the anxious Side met his eyes, widening at the sight of him. "Remus...? Remus, where are we? What are we doing here?" he asked, stepping forward towards Remus and pressing his hands to the glass. 

    Suddenly, he started pounding on the glass, glaring at Remus. Remus froze, entranced by the strange actions. He had never seen Virgil so...

    Conflicted, The Duke thought. He's battling himself. 

     However, the Duke wasn't so sure who was winning this time. 

    "Why...Hello, Dark Creativity." Remus looked up once more, but this time his eyes met a different pair of eyes. Cold, dark, purple where Virgil's brown once stood. 

    "Long time no see," Remus deadpanned, eyeing the mysterious Side hesitantly. "Is Virgil alright in there? Is he...?" he paused, afraid to ask the question. He wasn't used to being so hesitant, but this Side exhibited an aura that seemed to chill him to the bone. 

   "Alive? Unfortunately. He is sleeping. As to when, or rather if he will awake, well...That is to be determined, huh? I'd say his chances are slim, so I wouldn't get your hopes up. It's kind of peaceful. Usually when I'm in the driver's seat, he's awake to watch the show! Constantly screaming in my head, he does not shut up. Now? It's complete silence, it's wonderful!" he cheered, a Cheshire grin appearing on his face. It certainly was strange to see on Virgil, but Remus quickly reminded himself he was not dealing with Virgil.

    A moment of silence passed between the two before the caged Side spoke again. "I heard you, while you thought Anxiety was sleeping," he said with a low chuckle in between. "You were right about some things. My brother won't let me out if we are together again. He doesn't need to. Thomas is stronger with the two of us together, working as one. Nobody can push us around, nobody can push him around. He is powerful. We are powerful!" he cried, punching the glass and flashing that psychotic grin at Remus. 

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