A Journey to the Castle

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So, thanks to a burst of creativity (thank you Roman) as well as @SarahBraverman wanting the next chapter so badly, here we have the next chapter. XD

I hope you enjoy. It's a hefty one, but it's pretty exciting, in my own opinion. :D

{Author's POV}

     Hours had gone by, and Roman was steadily growing more concerned over the lack of Emo Nightmare.

     "You haven't seen Virgil, have you?" he asked Patton as he helped himself to a plate of chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

     "No, why?"

     "He said he was going to take a nap earlier, and I was just curious. Should I go get him?"

     "Go knock on the door. If he doesn't answer after two knocks, let him sleep, and I can put his plate in the microwave." Patton answered, smiling as he handed Logan his plate upon his entry into the kitchen. Roman nodded a greeting as he passed Logan on his way up the stairs.

     He knew it was rude to just walk into Virgil's room, but he really missed him. He held back, however, and merely knocked on the door, waiting about a minute and frowning when no response came. Roman knocked once more, as per Patton's instructions, before sighing and heading back downstairs. Upon seeing a lone Roman, Patton gave him a sympathetic smile and put Virgil's plate in the microwave. The three personas ate in near silence.

     "He wouldn't just sleep this long, would he? I talked to him at noon, it's almost 5." Roman stated, hoping one of the others would justify or agree with his concern.

     "Well, Roman, it's Virgil. He gets tired pretty easily, wears himself out, ya know? I think he's ok." Patton said.

     "I agree. He is most likely just worn out for the night. It is possible his body has decided he needs sleep more than his brain has." Logan suggested.

     Roman merely sighed, the shred of hope he had torn away from him. "Ok. If I don't see him first thing tomorrow, I'm going in there."

     "Ok, Roman. Just, don't push him. Maybe he just needs some peace, alone." Logan said, before bidding the others a goodnight and retiring to his room. Patton soon followed suit and headed up to bed, Roman offering to do the dishes for him. He thanked Princey and left, but paused in the doorway. "I get up before you. I'll check on Virgil in the morning. If he's not up by the time we all wake up, then we'll go into his room. Ok? Try to get some sleep, though, Roman. I'm sure Virgil's ok."

     When Roman finished the dishes, he headed up to his own room, but couldn't help but linger in front of Virgil's door. It was so hard being away from him for so long, especially since he had admitted his feelings. He pressed his ear against the door, trying hopelessly to hear any sign of life on the other side. Finally, with a sigh, Roman pushed himself away. "Goodnight, my dear. I love you." he whispered, before finally retiring to his room for the night. He changed into his white, silky pajamas, and fell asleep to a pleasant dream of he and Virgil out on a picnic.

     The next morning seemed to take decades to arrive, but finally the sunshine in Roman's window hit him in the eyes, waking him up. However, when Roman turned and picked up his phone, he was startled to see that it was half past noon.

     Is Virgil awake? Surely if he was awake before you, he would come and find you. But he may have been too anxious to come into your room without you saying so. What if he's still sleeping? What if he's not ok?!

     Roman shook his head, snapping himself out of it. He was beginning to worry too much, and instead opted for getting up and pulling on his red slippers. He nearly bolted down the stairs in anticipation, but resigned himself to briskly walking in favor of not slipping due to the lack of traction in his footwear. When he reached the bottom, he raced to the kitchen, dismayed at finding Logan and Patton enjoying lunch.

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