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Welcome to the next chapter, boy are you guys in for some fun ;)

Hope you enjoy! :)

{Author's POV}

     Virgil sat in his chair, watching the movie with the others. Logan and Patton were watching quietly. He was sipping his hot chocolate and trying to watch, but he couldn't stop sneaking glances over at Roman. The regal side seemed to not be focusing on the movie as much as normal, which Virgil found strange given his love of Disney, Moana being a favorite. Virgil remembered the discussion they were having right before Roman's brother had shown up, about whether or not ghosts were evil.

     We never finished that conversation. He thought to himself, before focusing back on Roman. His thoughts seemed to be on a different track than the movie. Virgil wondered what he was thinking about, and eventually decided to turn his own thoughts back to the movie.

     However, Virgil was caught off guard a minute or so later, as Roman stood suddenly from his seat, pardoning himself with the excuse of a bathroom break. Virgil shrugged it off-they had been sitting there for some time, one of them was going to go eventually. However, as he settled back in and continued watching, something felt...off.

     He wanted to ask the others if they could feel it as well, but they seemed to be talking quietly between themselves about the movie. He tried to discern what the feeling was. It was like...a dark, heavy feeling, weighing down on his chest. His first thought was if Thomas was ok. It felt like his normal anxiety attack, but it also felt...different. It felt darker. He felt...


     What was he doing to him? How was he affecting him this much and why now?!

     He could feel the other's influences around him, the energy signatures they gave off. It was what allowed Thomas to feel if one of them was out of commission, like how he knew to tell Logan and Patton he couldn't feel Roman earlier. He could feel Logan, Patton, Roman...

     Virgil paused. Roman felt...different.

     Roman felt dark.

     Was Roman in his room? Why would he be in there? He said he was going to the bathroom, and he knew being in Virgil's room was dangerous, but what was the strange feeling he was getting? It was like Roman was afraid of something...

     Was his brother affecting Roman?

     Virgil was surprised as the feeling disappeared, and everything felt normal again. Sure enough, moments later, Roman reappeared in the room, seemingly normal. Virgil took a deep breath, letting it out in a quiet sigh as he felt the strange feeling completely leaving his body. Roman sat back down and watched the movie. Virgil kept stealing glances at Roman in the corner of his eye, and noticed that Roman kept looking over at him. What had happened while Roman was gone? Was he in Virgil's room? What was he doing up there?

     "Well, that was a great movie. If you kiddos want to watch another one, feel free, but I'm gonna head on up to bed." Patton said, getting up and getting to work picking up his dishes and snacks, leaving some out for the others.

     "I will be going up to bed as well. It is getting rather late, and sleep is valuable in order to attain optimal levels of productivity as well as to improve one's overall health." Logan explained. He stood up, cleaning up his things and heading up the stairs after bidding everyone a good night.

     "I think I'm gonna watch another one. Care to join me, Virgil?" Roman asked, startling Virgil out of his thoughts.

     "Oh, uh, sure. What do you want to watch?" Virgil asked.

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