What Has to be Done

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Hello all you wonderful people!

I know it has been a little more than two weeks since the last chapter, but this is a long chapter filled with a lot of interesting stuff, and I wanted to make it extra special for you guys, so I put some extra time into it for that extra pizzazz. :D

I hope you all enjoy it. :)

{Narrator's POV}

     Virgil entered the kitchen...

     ...and immediately regretted his decision.

     The second he stepped into the room, all eyes turned on him, immediately setting off alarms in his head.

     Did Thomas tell them?

     How much do they know?

     They're gonna hate you.

     They're gonna kick you out.

     One thought chilled him to the core so much, he had to pause.

     They're going to send you back to them.

     It was said with so much venom in the voice that it seemed vicious, dangerous...


     Virgil immediately felt the panic inside him welling. He jumped when a hand met his shoulder and looked up to see Roman standing in front of him.

     "Come on, Virgil. Let's get some breakfast. Patton made waffles." Roman said, noticing the inner turmoil his fellow side seemed to be going through. Virgil gave him a nod, and walked over to the table as Patton set a plate of waffles in front of him, giving him a huge smile. Virgil gave one only half as big, but it was all he could muster with the feeling of dread coursing through his veins. He did try though, and thankfully Patton seemed to notice the effort beneath the half-hearted appearance of the smile, and gave him an appreciative pat on the back.

     The room was silent as the sides ate breakfast. Too silent.

     They're all thinking about it.

     You know they know.

     You know they're only avoiding it because Roman told them to, and they listen to Roman, because they like him more than you.

     They can't wait to ask you all those nasty questions.

     They can't wait to realize how bad and messed up you really are.

     They can't wait to send. you. back!

     The last words were thought with so much emphasis, so loud and thunderous inside his head, that it made him flinch, and drop the glass of juice he didn't even realize he had been bringing up to his lips to drink from. He barely registered that he dropped the glass until a shatter made him jump, throwing him from his thoughts and pulling him back to reality. That was also when Virgil realized Roman had been calling his name.

     "Virgil, are you ok?!" Roman asked again, seeing the foggy look in the boys' eyes clearing and realizing he finally had his attention.

     "Uh...Y-Yeah. Yeah, I...I guess I just...just zoned out. I'm sorry!" he said, unable to get his thoughts and words together as he scrambled onto the floor, trying in a daze of confusion without much thinking to pick up the broken glass on the floor with his hands.

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