19○ Citrus

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A/n: I felt bad for no giyuu in the last chappy sooooo- '3'
This might be a bit steamy

The rowdy pig masked boy had left the mansion not to long ago, you told him to take the rest of the dango with him, you now sat alone dango you had taken for yourself sitting besides you, forgotten as you stared up at the sky.

There was a creak in the floor boards and a familiar scent came to your nose as a comforting warmth pressed against your back.

You could see black out of the corner of your eye and you turned your head with a soft smile.

"I'm surprised, I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon." You spoke quietly.

"I was nearby, I wanted to visit."

"Of course I have no problem with it, I'd see you every day if I could."

Giyuu let out a dull hum of agreement and your fully turned around to face him.

"Maybe you can also stay a bit longer this time? I mean longer than an hour or two, your visits are always to short." You smiled, leaning closer to rest your head against his shoulder.

He watched you wordlessly before looking up at the sky like you had been earlier.

"I can try, but if I get summoned somewhere I'll-"

"Have to go immediately. I know," you closed your eyes, "I'm happy I can be with you for however long that time is."

It was peacefully silent after that, nothing but the birds singing their songs somewhere in the distance.

Your eyes snapped open and your soft smile grew into a wide grin. You stood up, forcing him to stand shortly after before quickly corralling him to your room.

"You stay here! I'll be right back!" With that you shut the door to your room and ran back to the kitchen.

The granny was there, as you suspected and you quickly went to her.

"Granny! Let me help make something pleeeeassse!" You drawled.

She gave you a smile and led you to the counter, pointing at a paper recipe.

You rolled up your sleeve with the same grin, "alright!"

(Meanwhile Giyuu was getting a taste of what it felt like to be the one left alone abruptly)

Soon, the cooking was done and you quickly gathered it and booked it back to your room, trying to to trip or slide on your socks past your destination.

Opening the door hastily, you sped in, setting down your hoard. Scrabbling around for a few 'final touches' you sat down and held your hands out in a gesture.

"Sorry for the wait, now let's have a date!"

Giyuu blinked at you with what looked like a mildly surprised expression. You let out a small laugh at that.

"Aren't dates supposed to be at special places?"

You frowned a bit, "Maybe, I dunno but I dont wanna waste time trying to find a place, in my room with an assortment of food is a perfect place."

He seemed to except that and finally you began to eat.

"Oh, here!" You quickly leaned forward and handed him a bowl of sweet-tangy smelling chicken.

"What's this?" He asked.

"I dont actually know what it's called, it's some kind of chicken with oranges in it. Granny had me make it."

"Orange chicken." He said.

You blinked, "Oh yea, I guess that's it."

He shook his head and took some. A few couple of minutes later and the food was finished.

Clearing away the dishes, you rushed from the kitchen back to your room once more, opening and shutting the door as you quickly reentered.

You walked over to where he was sitting, a bounce in your step and smirked down at him.

He watched as you leaned over him before you allowed your self to ever-so-gracefully fall on top of him in a glomp.

You wrapped your arms around his head (mostly to prevent it from smacking the ground) and looked down at him, he didn't seem very impressed.

Giving him one of your more cheeky smiles, you planted a kiss softly on his forehead.

"You're going to sleep with me tonight, right?" You mumbled.

His hands grabbed your waist and you switched positions, now laying on the floor with him above you.

"If that's what you want." He responds, a soft and calm look in his eyes.

You smiled a bit softer and reached up to brush a bit of hair from his eyes, "I love you."

He blinked slowly, taking in a deep breath, "I love you too."

The heart in your chest felt like it was gonna explode and you indulged in your emotions, sitting up on your elbows and giving his lips a sweet kiss.

You were happy when he kissed back, you put your hand on his shoulder, getting goosebumps when you felt his hand brush down your side and rest against your hip.

The hand on his shoulder wandered to his collar where it undid the highest button, slipping under the fabric to touch the warm skin underneath.

Meanwhile he had already found the hem on your yukata and his hand had run up your leg, stopping at your thigh.

Your thumb traced the hard line that was his collarbone before it rested against his neck.

He pulled away from the kiss first, letting out a heavy sigh, eyes closed.

"We should go to sleep."

You took a breath, ignoring the disappointment in your gut, "You're right."

He moved back, your hand falling from him as his retreated back down your leg and away.

The candles were blown out and you set out your mats where you laid together, close but not quite touching.

"I hope you're still here when I wake up." You hummed, closing your eyes to try and sleep.

"I'll stay as long as I can." Was his quiet reply as you felt him tuck some of your hair behind your ear.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now