4○ Setting Off

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You blinked quickly and just stared at him.


"I'm a demon slayer, I assume based on your last name you're from the L/n clan, correct?" He asked.

You stared at him before nodding, "Yes I'm of the L/n clan." You said sadly.

He suddenly stood and walked to you.

"We need to go now." He declared, grabbing your arm, gentle yet firmly.

"W-Wait what? Right now? Where? Why?" You babbled in surprise.

"Yes, we need to go now, to the demon slayer head quarters, there are demons looking to kill you." He replied, tugging you toward the door.

"But it's dark out! Don't demons like night time? We should at least stay until morning!" You exclaimed nervously.

He paused for a moment, seeming to think over your words.

"It'll be fine, I'll kill any demons we see." He said bluntly, once again pulling you to the door.

You tugged on your arm before you just sat down, effectively making him stop.

"N-NO! I won't go outside! At least not until morning..." you said adamantly, looking at your hands that were curled into fists in front of you.

"Why not?" He asked, looking down at you.

"I dont want to see another demon. At least not so soon after..." you trailed off, not wanting to finish as the thought of a demon sent fear coursing through your veins.

"Oi! Ye kids better settle down or I'm gonna knock yer lights out me self, that's for sure!" The old man yelled, coming out of the small bathroom all cleaned up and ready for bed.

"Sorry, there wont be anymore fuss." Giyuu spoke to him.

The old man snorted and pulled out his futon, "Ye best get ta bed, I ain't wakin up for ye or I'll have ye fer breakfast! That's for sure!"

You stood up and smiled back at the old man, "Right," you turned to Giyuu, "One night should be fine, we can leave in the morning, right?" You asked hopefully.

He looked you in the eyes and eventually nodded in agreement, "Ok, but we leave in the morning."

You smiled and went back into the main room, sitting on a soft cushion, Giyuu following suit and sitting next to you.

It was quiet as the old man began to snore. As the fire died down, you dozed off.





You were shaken awake the next morning. It wasn't a rough shaking but enough to make you open your eyes slightly and sit up on your forearm.

"Its time to go."

You blinked and rubbed your eyes.

"Gee, is the sun even up yet?" You asked, your voice still riddled with sleep.

"Its about to be." Giyuu responded, sounding the same as ever.

You sighed and pressed your hand against the wall to sit up taller. He offered you a hand and you politely took it, allowing him to lift you to your feet.

Turning, you looked at the still sleeping old man.

"Just a moment." You said just above a whisper.

Grabbing a paper and pencil, you wrote a short thank you to the old man, apologizing for not waiting until he was awake to say goodbye.

You left it where you knew he would see it and then followed the ravenette outside.

"Ok, lead the way." You smiled.

He simply nodded to you and began walking down the dirt road. You followed close behind him, wishing you were still asleep.

Eight hours had passed, and you were still walking, your feet were getting sore.

"Um, excuse me, Tomioka, can we stop for a bit? I'm a bit tired." You asked exhaustedly.

He stopped in his tracks and looked around a bit. You were in a forest, trees everywhere and, in the distance, the sound of flowing water.

He began walking off again and you whined a bit before quickly chasing after him.

After a few more minutes he stopped again, this time you were in front of what appeared to be a shrine on the left side of the path.

On the other side of the path the land sloped down gently, the trees thinning to reveal a small river not to far away.

"We can stop here for a while." He spoke up, going towards the shrine. You watched him go then blew a strand of hair out of your face.

You turned the opposite direction and trotted your way down to the river. Sitting, you flung off your shoes and lifted your pants a bit as you stepped into the cool water.

Bending over, you scooped up some water and splashed it on your sweaty face, instantly relieved as it cooled and cleaned it.

The afternoon sun sent warm rays bouncing off the waters surface and you saw a few trout slowly swim past with the current of the river.

Your stomach growled and you realized that you hadn't eaten at all that day. Sloshing out of the water and slipping your shoes back on, you briskly walked back up the hill.

Entering the shrine, offering the deity a polite bow, it didn't take long for you to find your dark haired companion.

He was standing under the shade of a tall oak tree, staring up past the vibrant green leaves and into the bright blue sky.

You watched as a light breeze gently tussled his hair, his arm resting on the sheathed sword at his side.

"Someone's awfully attractive, I'm sure he won't mind If I slip away for a moment to go buy some food."

With that thought, you turned around and quickly stepped down the shrine steps, back onto the dirt path. You quickly made your way to a small village, guided by a few signs you had noticed earlier.

Going around different stalls, you eventually found someone selling food.

"Hello, I would like four onigiri and a small bag of your dried fruit please." You smiled at the lady behind the counter.

"Sure thing dear!" She beamed back at you, rushing off to get what you asked for.

The dull yet noisy chatter of the villagers at different stalls made you feel reassured in an odd way.

"Here you go!" The lady handed you bamboo leaf wrapped onigiri and the pouch of dried fruit.

"Thank you!" You replied, handing her the money you owed.

As you began to walk away, she called after you, "Oh and be careful dear! They say monsters have been roaming around lately!"

You blinked at the ominous words, nodding before you continued back the way you came.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now