20○ Cute

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When you woke, you were pleased to see Giyuu, sleeping soundly next to you.

Smiling, you sat up on your forearms, you couldn't actually remember if you'd seen him sleep before. It was a nice moment to see before you hear him take a breath deeper than the others and saw his eyes slowly open.

They weren't focused on anything particular until they found you. When he was looking at you, you gave a bigger smile.

"You're still here."

He lifted himself to your height and you blushed a bit as he rested his head against yours.

"I had no reason to leave."

You huffed slightly in exasperation, "Obviously, and if you left for no reason then I'd slap you the next time I saw you."

You had meant it in a taunting way but he furrowed his brow a bit, "I wouldn't leave for no reason."

Giving a small laugh you responded, "I know, you're so cute," you halfheartedly added in whilst looking down, blushing as you saw that his shirt was opened just enough to expose his (very fit) torso, "and I bet the rest of you is too."

To your surprise he pulled away from you and turned his face away, raising a hand to it.

"Giyuu?" You questioned, a bit worried when you noticed the tip of his ears were pink, "Are you... blushing?"


You smirked, sitting up on your legs, trying to see around him, "I wanna see."

"No, there's nothing to see."

"Come on, you, the ever calm and stoic Tomioka showing a cute blush? I want to see it!" You put your hand on his shoulder, sliding it to the opposite one as you leaned closer to him.

You could barely see the reddish-pink dusting his face, slightly covered by his hand as he looked away from you.

"No, I'm not, it's just cold here."

"Really? Cold? In here? Are you sure it's not the fact that I just said-" you began to tease before he cut you off, his face getting noticeably redder.

"N-No." His voice cracked a bit and you laughed, wrapping your arms around him.

"You're adorable!" You cooed, ignoring his huff.

(An- not sure if this is the last part or not, I wasn't planning to go past 20 chapters but idk if I want to just leave it off here, I'll let you guys know if this is the end if it really is though )

(New) - I've decided to end it, I really can't think up anything to add and forcing it would ruin what is already great :) see you guys in another story, hopefully <3

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now