5○ Danger! Danger!

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As you were walking back to the shrine, you absentmindedly thought about the ladies words as you popped a dried strawberry in your mouth.

You saw movement out of the corner of your eye and looked over to see someone hunched on the side of the road.

Haulting in your tracks you debated whether or not to check on them.

"Heeelp meee." Their raspy voice beckoned you.

You sighed, looking to the side and murmuring, "Well they noticed me so now I have to."

Looking at them, you walked over to them, crouching down. They wore a dirty brown and torn up cloak that covered their entire body.

Their face was shadowed by their hood. You reached your hand out to touch their shoulder.

"Excuse me? What's the matter? How can I help?" You asked kindly.

Before your fingers made contact with their shoulder, they quickly surged up and a searing pain rushed through your left shoulder as you saw blood droplets leave a trail from your shoulder to the grey, ghastly claws of what you had thought was a person.

You fell onto your butt, holding your shoulder with the opposite hand as you stared in disbelief.

"N-No way" you spluttered.

The beast ground its teeth together and snarled, "Your blood smells really good!"

It leapt for you and you shrieked as you rolled away, the demon landing where you had been seconds before, you stood and ran, fear and adrenaline carrying you quickly as you heard the earth crunch under the demons feet as it chased you.

You felt its claws nip your ankles before catching your foot, effectively making you fall face first into the dirt path.

Turning onto your back quickly, you kicked at it and slid yourself against the dirt to get away. Much to your dismay, your back collided with a raised part of land, cornering you with the creature.

It approached quickly and you watched in fear, tightly holding your bleeding shoulder.

"How are you out," you trembled, "It's daylight."

The demon chuckled lowly, "Stupid girl, I covered myself in thick fabric!"

You thought you were done for as it's sharp nails raced to slice your throat when you heard rapid footfalls and a rush of wind as the demon stopped in its tracks, inches away from your vulnerable neck.

Blood dripped from its neck and its head slid off its body before the rest of it collapsed to the ground, its body turning to ash before your eyes.

You couldn't comprehend what had happened, your eyes glued to the dying demon as it cursed profusely. Soon enough it was gone, leaving nothing but a pile of clothes where it last stood.

Still staring, wide eyed at the spot, you didn't notice as Giyuu stepped next to you, having been the one that slayed the demon moments ago.

"Can you stand?" His even tone cut through your thoughts, snapping you out of your daze.

Leaning forward, you lifted yourself on shaking legs, using the dirt wall behind you. Your shoulder was still bleeding, staining the white shirt you wore under your (color) haori.

You let out a quick, shaky breath, closing your eyes as the pain in your shoulder lessened a little. You swallowed thickly, about to say something when you were promptly swept off your feet.

Letting out a startled breath, you looked up at him.

"You don't have to-"

"Your legs were shaking, rest for a bit then you can try again." He interrupted, walking back toward where the shrine was.

You meekly obeyed, relaxing your muscles and resting your head lightly against his shoulder, still holding your own.

Once at the shrine, he set you down on the steps, eyeing your bloodied wound. He wandered away a bit to your concern but you focused on your shoulder, pulling off your haori and loosening your shirt to pull it down past your shoulder.

Grimacing at the sight, you wondered how long it would take to heal, considering it was rather deep.

Giyuu stepped back into your line of vision, holding a rag and bowl of water out to you.

"Thanks, you can set it down."

He did just that and you picked up the cloth, wetting it, ringing it out a bit and carefully dabbing at your slashed skin.

It didn't take long for you to clean up the blood, by then your unusual healing had took effect, clotting the wound.

You sighed as he called your name. Looking over, his arms were crossed and he looked mildly upset.

"No more wandering off alone." He commanded in a serious tone.

You looked away, "Trust me, I won't."

It was quiet for a moment, the birds chirping in the warm afternoon light high above you in the trees.

"You should have that bandaged." He spoke up.

You looked over at him as he stepped forward, making your skin tingle as he pulled your shirt over your shoulder and back into its original position.

"Keep it covered, we can get some in the village." He said, back to his usual monotone voice.

You nodded, standing up and grabbing your haori, gingerly slipping it on to hide your blood stained shirt. Both of you walked back down the path the the village, arriving in no time.

Quickly, the bandages were found and you picked up a new shirt so you could trash the bloodied, torn, one.

Wincing as you wrapped your shoulder, you looked in the mirror in the small bathroom, lightly touching the area before changing into your new shirt, sliding on your haori and exiting the bathroom, finding Giyuu standing not to far away as a hyped band danced and chanted with their music nearby.

"Let's keep walking." You said as he nodded, leading the way out of the village and in the opposite direction of the shrine.

Your stomach ached and you pulled out the surprisingly safe bamboo wrapped onigiri.

Hungrily, you practically inhaled it, grabbing the second one and taking a bite.

Hurrying forward, you matched strides with Giyuu, holding out the other to onigiri for him.

He eyeballed your offering, taking a glance at you before finally taking one.

You happily walked along with him, the joyous bubbly feeling of sharing making you feel giddy.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now