18○ New Visitor(s)

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It was past sunset, you were in the kitchen cooking up some food as the granny had asked you to.

You could sense a bit of a commotion from somewhere within the walls of the house, but you were unaware of what it was.

"Y/n" the granny walked up to you.

"Yes, granny?"

"Would you help me bring some food to a room, we have visitors."

You tilted your head a bit in curiosity, "Visitors?"

In the room she had lead you to, you carefully set up the food on little tables.

"You may go if you wish, I'll be tending to the guests." She smiled.

You nodded, leaving the room only to leave the door open a crack to watch who entered from the opposite door.

Granny opened the door to show three young boys. One with blinde hair, one with reddish brown hair, and one with black hair.

The blonde freaked out saying something about how granny moved so fast it was unnatural, that she was a monster before he got smack in the back of the head by the boy with the reddish hair.

You watched them settle down and eat, the black haired boy stealing the red haired boys food. You took a note that the red haired boy was quite kind.

Watching carefully, granny moved them to where they would be sleeping, a bit of a repeat and they were all laying down as the light dimmed.

"They must be demon hunters. They have quite unique personalities."

You listened from the other side of the door as they spoke, it had been a while since you could remember such casual talk.

It was nice. Minus the minor yelling. Smiling slightly, you decided it was time you went to your own room to rest.



The next morning when you woke up the granny told you not to worry about any cooking or cleaning. Taking her up on that, you made your way to the garden outside.

You took the petal of a flower between the pads of your fingers and smiled at its softness. Everything seemed normal, until you looked up and spotted a crow sitting in the branches of the wisteria.

Tilting your head a bit at it, you watched as it flew down to you, landing in the ground where you crouched next to it.

"Hello? You're one of those talking crows, right?"

It made a noise akin to a hum and you smiled, taking that as confirmation.

"I get the feeling I know the person you belong to."

You reached your hand into your pocket and pulled out a bit of bread, "I wont tell if you wont," and with that you fed the crow some.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden voice from behind you made you jump, the crow hopping back a bit as well.

You looked back and choked on your saliva in surprise as you were greeted with a pig head.

Heart in your throat you fell from your crouching position and onto your butt.

Once your mind processed the human body attached to the pig head, you sighed, "it's a mask."

"Huh?" The same voice sounded from the mask.

Suddenly, you felt a bit irked, "Gee! You nearly gave me a heart attack, who goes around wearing pig masks?"

Quickly, you stood up, brushing yourself off. You looked at him then to where the crow had been only to find it gone.

Your brow furrowed and you put your hands on your hips, facing the seemingly younger male.

"Say sorry."

"Huh! Why should I?" He shouted.

"Because you scared the crow away!" You yelled back, a part of you itching to enjoy a bit of a verbal fight.

"Its a stupid bird." He crossed his arms.

You clicked your tounge and snatches his wrist, dragging him with you. Ignoring his shouting and attempts to free himself, you finally let go as you found your destination, the kitchen.

Rolling up your sleeves, you shuffled around a bit before tossing a bag of rice flower into his arms.

"What's this for?" He muttered.

"You owe me. Since you wont apologize you're gonna help me make dango."

He was silent for a second as he process your words before shouting a loud, "HUH?!"

Your crossed your arms, "Its not that hard. Surely someone like you would be at least decent at it, unless you've never made them before, in that case," you smirked mischievously and put a hand over your mouth, "that'd make you a bit lame."

It was meant as a teasing jest but he seemed to take it to heart, letting out what sounded like a war cry and running around in a circle.

"W-wait, just a second!"

That afternoon was spent with you teaching him how to make the dango... he made a mess at the very least.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now