2○ Sleepless

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You spend all night awake. Running and only stopping for very short breaks to catch your heaving breath only to start running again.

Eventually the trees lessened, and you were on a dirt road in the middle of farmland.

Your lungs hurt along with your legs as you painfully walked forward, the night beginning to fade as daylight seeped in, creating a blushing sky.

The kimono you wore was ripped in many places and you were covered in dirt.

Each step made your body feel heavier before you tripped as your sock caught the ground and you landed on your hands and knees.

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get back up onto your feet.

"It hurts"

You laid on your side as the sun finally began to appear in the sky over the mountains. Shortly after you lost consciousness.





Your dreams were tormented with repetitive images of your dead family as if mocking you. Your night spent running from death being the worst night of your life, considering what you left behind.

He was absolutely terrifying.

"I can smell you."

Your eyes opened. The room was dim. You sat up and looked around, the place was not familiar to you and your heart pounded in your chest.

"So yer awake huh?" A strange voice called to you.

Looking to the source you saw an old man, your muscles relaxed.

"Who are you?" You asked.

"I should be asking you! Laying on the side of the road like it's yer bed, ya looked dead!" He yelled.

You looked down at your hands, "I kind of wish I was."

"EH! Did ya say somethin! Not a thank you that's for sure!"

"S-sorry! Thank you so much! You really didn't have to pick me up and take me in." You spoke nervously.

"No goin back on it that's for sure!"

You tilted your head, "for sure?" You echoed curiously.

"What's the matter? Ye deaf? Well I gotta putchya to work that's for sure!" He spoke loudly.

"Work?" You asked.

"Well ye ain't gonna just sit there like a sack of taters are ye! I'll house ye for a bit but ye gotta work for it that's for sure!" He demanded.

"Ok, what should I do?" You asked him.

He huffed and scuttled across the room, fiddling with some pots and pans in the next room that had no door separating it.

You stood up and made your way to the archway as he stepped forward and held a bag out to you.

Holding out your hands, he dropped it into them.

"I need ye to go into town and buy me some stuff, I'm too busy harvesting so you go buy me some sugar, milk, honey, vinegar, and soap." He waved his hand at you dismissively and you followed him as he shuffled out a door.

You could see the path you came in on and in the opposite direction was a town. The old man had walked into the field of plants and turned to you.

"Go on, get!"

You blinked and began to walk off, "Ye better come back or I'm gonna get ya! while yer there buy something that ain't so torn up! Ye look like a boar!"

"Did he just call me a pig?"

Shaking your head, you held the bag close to you, your strength still hadn't returned fully so you could only pray that no one tried to rob you.

You easily found the things he asked you for and debated whether or not he was serious about buying yourself clothing.

"I don't want to be called a boar again so I guess I should."

You found a little stall selling cheap clothing and looked around for something that suited your taste.

Eventually you settled on a white top with arm wraps, black pants, and a (choose design and color) haori.

Eventually you settled on a white top with arm wraps, black pants, and a (choose design and color) haori

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(like that you can change colors if you want)

You then began to make your way back to the old man's house. When you arrived he was setting out some large barrels of rice.

"Old man! I got your stuff!" You called.

"About time! Now go put on yer clothes I ain't havin ye anywhere near me like that!"

"That's rude, ya know." You deadpanned.

Going inside, you set down the new clothes and began to dress. Once you were finished you looked sorrowfully down at your ripped and dirty kimono.

It had some blood on it so you picked it up and went to the side of the old mans house, stuffing it in a dusty crate that looked like it hadn't been touched in months.

You stood on the dirt path, watching the old man pluck carrots from the earth.

"Old man, what do I do?" You asked.

"Well fer starts ye can go inside and make some food."

You shook your head and crouched down, "I meant something else, I'm so sad and confused, I dont know where to go or what to do." You choked up.

"Hm, well then stop being sad and confused."

You looked up at him quickly, "huh?"

"If ye sad and confused and doin nothin ye ain't gonna feel better! So do something and maybe you'll figure out how to stop being sad and confused!"

"Oh." You paused and stood up, "I guess I'll go make that food then."

"Darn right ye are! Like I'd let ye do anything else!"



As you sat and ate, you could stop thinking about anything that might help you. Then it came to you.

"Old man, do you know anything about demon slayers?" You asked.

He looked up quickly, "HUH! Demon slayers! A buncha hooligans I'd call em!"

"So you do? I think I should go find them, my family had close connections to them and they might help me." You murmured to yourself.

The old man huffed, "One of em came through here not to long ago, real eyesore he was. Sniffin the ground like some kinda dog."

"That sounds strange.." you laughed nervously.

You resumed eating and thought again, "In a few days I'll try to go find a demon slayer, or better their head quarters."

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now