10○ Caretaker

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The doctors assistant was next to you, doing the usual healing things like giving medicine and checking your temperature with a thermometer.

Giyuu had stepped out minutes ago, most likely to move around and get something to eat.

You let out a sigh, laying on your stomach as you hugged a pillow under your chin and chest, the assistant pressing cold metal against your skin for the checkup.

"You seem to be alot better than you were last night, it's like a miracle." She spoke in a happy way.

You puffed out a breath, "There's no miracle about it, it's a family thing."

She raised a brow, still with that smile on her face, "Oh? Care to explain?"

"No." You replied dryly.

She laughed, "Fair enough, you are a stranger after all."

There were still some lingering symptoms, a bit of an abnormal temperature, minor headache and slight weakness thorough your body.

"How about that caretaker of yours?" She spoke up again.

"Caretaker?" You asked.

"Yes, the dark haired man with the sword, I dont usually see people carrying those around you know." She responded.

"Oh, what about him? And I wouldn't really call him my caretaker." You slightly yawned.

"Nothing much, he seemed a little down, he was worried, right?"

"Probably not, he's always like that."

"Dont have such a lack of faith!" She piped up, "I'm really good at reading relationships and you definitely have a spark!"

"A spark? If you say so, but you know, I'm feeling tired so if you could just-"

"Right! I'm always told how excitable I can be, I'll leave you to rest now." She cheered, skipping out of the room.

You let out a sigh once more, getting yourself comfortable to hopefully sleep off the rest of your temporary illness.

It couldn't have been more than 30 minutes before you tiredly woke up on your back. You looked to your side and saw the familiar figure that was Giyuu.

You sat up on your forearm, feeling like your mood was still quite sour, your veins felt heavy.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked as you sat up a bit higher.

Forcing a smile you brushed some hair out of your face, "Yep, I'm just a little sore."

"You look redder than usual, you should rest a while more." He spoke in a smooth manner.

"Oh," you gave a small, irked smile, "Is that so?"

He moved a bit closer and you quirked a brow.

"Shouldn't we keep going though?" He rustled around a bit in his sleeve before pulling something out, you watched with neutral eyes, continuing your words, "I said I'm fine, shouldn't you just believe me?"

He popped open the slender bag and pulled out a biscuit from its depths.

"I thought we needed to get to the place we're going sooner rather than later." He held the treat up to you as you halfheartedly spoke.

"Its not like I'm so weak that I cant continue traveling so we should just g-" before you could finish your sentence, the slender treat was pushed past your lips and into your mouth.

"It's sweet.."

"We'll stay until you're better, I dont want you dying before we arrive." He practically mumbled.

His hand dropped a bit and rested against your collarbone where he essentially forced you to lay back down.

You chewed the sweet in your mouth with a slightly furrowed brow.

"Geez, it's not like I've never been sick before." You huffed.

There was no response to you. You stared up at the wooden ceiling, blinking slowly.

When your eyes opened, your body tensed as you could've swore you saw blood on it, but in seconds it vanished.

Dull screams and voices teetered on the edge of your hearing, recognizable as they called for you from beyond life.

You turned your head to the side, feeling overwhelmed, you focused on Giyuu who sat with his eyes closed meer inches away.

The skin all over your body was crawling, itching and longing for the contact of another living being.

"Tomioka?" His lake blue eyes shifted open at your calling of his attention and rested on you.

Swallowing the small lump in your throat, you reached your hand out from under the blanket and in his direction.

"Sorry, but could you please hold my hand?" You asked.

His expression stayed calm, and you hadn't a clue what he was thinking at the moment.

To your short surprise, he complied, moving his hand away from himself and giving it to you.

You turned on your side, rather unintentionally, taking it gently into your own hands, cupping them around his.

The overwhelming anxiety you had felt moments before dispersed as your mind grew content. The small comfort helping you to settle down and finally allow yourself to rest as he had wanted.

Sorry, this came out a bit later than I originally wanted haha~

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now