1○ Blood

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Key- Y/n - your name , S/n - sisters name , B/n - brothers name , e/c - eye color , h/c - hair color


"Y/n! Are you even listening?"

You jumped slightly and faced towards your older sister who had a furrowed brow and hands on her hips.


"Y/n! These lessons are important! You need to know the history of our clan so you can-"

"Be able to fulfill and uphold the important duty of helping heal any human that may need it." You finished in a bored tone, "I've heard this a billon times already!"

She sighed, "You're hopeless."

"Its not like I wanted to spend my 20th birthday here." You huffed back.

"Focus, Y/n!"

"No! I hate it here! There's nothing to do! We live in the middle of nowhere and the only people that come to visit are people trying to use us!" You shouted.

"Idiot! They come to us for help, you should be honored instead of whining about it like a little brat!" Your sister yelled back.

"I dont wanna help them! I dont wanna be in this stupid place! Why should I have to share my blood with others!"

A book was thrown at you and you glared at her.

"Fine, if you feel so strongly about it then I'm telling dad!" She said.

"Tattletale!" You shouted as she walked off.

You smirked, "Works everytime."

Standing, you made you way to the door and slid it open, stepping out onto the deck and shutting the door behind you.

You pulled off your socks and jumped down onto the grass, lifting your kimono to avoid tripping as you ran towards the forest.

Ducking under branches and crawling over rocks, you arrived at a small creek. Sitting on a rock, you put your feet in the water and let the little silver fish swim around and lightly pack at you.

Grimacing, you lifted your foot and saw a sharp rock stabbed into it, blood pooling and dripping into the water.

You pulled out the rock quickly and watched as your foot slowly healed shut.

"Gee, you'd think I was a demon."

For about an hour, you splashed around in the creek and let the sun warm your skin before you heard calls for you beyond the forest.

Sighing, you slowly made your way back home where you saw your mother sitting on the deck and your older sister standing closer to the forest.

"I am here!" You shouted, drawing their attention.

"Y/n, you little punk!" S/n seethed.

You stuck out your tounge as your mother stood with a smile.

"Come on you two, it's almost time for dinner."

As you all made your way to the table, your sister and you elbowed each other.

"Ah! Y/n you little fox!"

You perked up, your attention now elsewhere. Your father was laughing.

"Gave S/n the slip again, huh?" Your brother smirked.

"Yup! Those lessons just aren't suited for someone as great as me!" You laughed.

S/n glared at you.

"Come on onēsan, you're way to easy to piss off." You grinned.

"Shut up you slacker!"

"Now now, don't fuss, it's time we ate." Your mother smiled, holding your younger sister in her lap.


You held up your bowl of rice and grabbed a piece of beef.

"Looks so good" you cooed.

"You're drooling" B/n teased.

"No I'm not!" You shoved him with your shoulder.

Just then, there was a loud crash from outside, towards the front of your house.

"What was that?" S/n asked in a nervous tone.

Your father stood, "Probably just one of the patients that got out of bed, I'll go see if they need something."

He walked off tow wards the front door and you all continued eating. You eyes kept glancing up at the door he left through, your gut starting to feel uneasy.

Your younger sister started to cry. Your mother trying to sooth her but being unsuccessful.

Footsteps could be heard approaching the door.

"That must be father."

The door began to slide open slowly. The hall was dark, the candles having been blown out as a cold gust of wind blew through the open front door.

What you saw standing at the door was not your father, burning red, hungry eyes, pale skin, long and dark finger nails, dark shiney hair and canines as sharp as blades.

"T-That's a-" before your brother could finish, the beast was on top of your mother as she screamed and thrashed.

B/n leapt to his feet as S/n scooted away as your mother's blood sprayed around the room before her screams went quiet.

Your e/c irises widened and your pupils shrank as your body practically turned to ice.

"Damn you!" Your brother yelled, grabbing a knife from the table and leaping over to stab the demon.

The knife didn't even penetrate its skin, instead the knife dented. The demon looked at the dented knife then your brother.

It then reeled its arm back and swung forward.

"B/n, get away!" You screamed as tears filled your eyes.

He went flying out of the room, knocking down a shoji screen as he flew into the next.

Suddenly you were being pulled away, through the back door and down the hallway of your home.

S/n pulled roughly on your kimono as she lead you both out. You numbly rushed with her as the demon followed suit quickly.

S/n looked over her shoulder as her breath came out quickly in pants as you ran, almost at the back door leading to the forest.

She yanked you in front of her and pushed you out to the door. You turned to her as your feet slipped out of the door way and off the deck.

The demon had a hold on her arm and head. She smiled softly at you, tears pouring down her rosy cheeks as he eyes glistened, blood falling from the places its nails dug into her flesh.

"Go, Y/n."

Her head went around, emitting a loud, sickening crack. Your throat went dry as you fell onto your back.

You sat up, holding tightly onto your arms before standing up and running towards the forest.

Out of familiarity, you ran the same path you always ran, only relying on instinct as the moon could barely illuminate the path in front of you.

You stopped to breath once you made it to the creek, the sparkle and gentle sound of it reassuring you.

"Do you use this path a lot? I can smell you." A deep and bone chilling voice called from not far away.

Out of panic, you splashed through the water, soaking your socks and the bottom of your kimono as you came out on the other side to continue running, going deeper into the forest than you had ever gone before.

The water added weight to your feet so you lifted the drenched bottom half of your clothes and ran as fast as you could, ignoring the agonizing fatigue each step carried.

That was dramatic, I love it, angst is my favorite, hope you liked the first chapter!

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