17○ Caught by Surprise

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You could not for the life of you, get your face to stop being red. Everytime you tried to calm down, you'd remember and go right back to being flustered.

Even more unhelpful, you couldn't help not missing the gleam of amusement that your reaction had caused.

It kind of made you happy though, Giyuu wasn't one to show much emotion.

Huffing, you crossed your arms.

"Dont look so amused, you just caught me off guard."

He tilted his head a bit, the tiniest of smiles on his features, "Sorry, I'll make sure to ask next time."

"Yea, you will- wait next time?!" You grew red again.

He looked away from you and you could hear a small laugh before it was covered up with a cough.

You frowed exaggeratedly, "Geez! How would you like it if I just kissed you out of nowhere?"

He looked back at you, "I wouldn't mind."

You smiled, "Really? Then I'll make sure to make it extra embarrassing! Just for you~"

He smiled a bit more, "I look forward to that."

Puffing out your cheek, you were a bit irked at your futile attempts, leaning forward until your head hit his chest.

"No fair." You muttered.

It was a moment before you felt him hesitantly touch your head, gingerly running his fingers through your hair.

You peeked up at him a bit to see his calm features. You moved up, wrapping your arms around his neck and slowly forcing him to fall sideways onto the floor with you.

Pulling him closer, you sighed, "Let's take a nap, I'm still a bit tired."

"Did you have trouble sleeping last night?"

"A bit, you're tired too, with all that demon hunting you do, I know you are."

"You can rest for a bit. I'm not that tired."

You smiled again, "That's so like you."



It seemed just like before, you sleeping soundly while he stayed awake, it never particularly bothered you, but you hoped that you'd get to actually sleep next to him some day.

When you woke up he was gone, much to your disappointment. Unlike before though, there was a short note left for you.

"See you next time."

You smirked, "See you soon."

Finally, after many times of asking and begging, the old lady let you leave the house, it was to gather groceries with her but at least you weren't cooped up anymore.

You obliged in carrying wisteria around with you anytime you stepped even a foot outside if the safety of the house, even if you weren't alone.

It was nice to be outside again, seeing people and the world again. Everytime you went back to the house, you would look down the path you had arrived on, remembering the journey that lead you here.

"I cant wait to see what happens next!" You spoke to yourself giddily.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now