15○ Penguin

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About a month had passed. Snow had fallen, leaving the ground cold and cover in a thick layer of white.

You sat on the patio, feet swinging off the edge. A cup of tea sat next to you, the heat having faded quite some time ago.

This house was alot quieter than you were used to. It was peaceful at times, but you missed the calm murmur of people occasionally.

There was a dull crunching that slowly grew closer. Looking up from the snow that lay under you, you saw the one person you had been waiting to see for a while.

Quickly sliding off the patio, you hurried forward and took his hands.

"Giyuu, you finally came! I'm so happy to see you again." You beamed.

Pulling him forward, you lead him inside.

"So what have you been up to? See anything interesting?" You asked, settling besides him.

"Nothing interesting," he seemed to think for a moment before correcting himself, "I did see something odd."

You smiled, "Odd?"

"A boy, his sister was a demon, but she didn't attack him."

"That is odd, maybe it's a good sign." You spoke, leaning on your hands.

He hummed in acknowledgment to your words and you leaned against him with a huff.

"I've been bored. There isn't much to do here, the only person whose around my age is never here."

"At least you're safe from the demons now." He glanced over to you.

"Yea, but I wouldn't mind a bit of entertainment." You sighed.

There was a comfortable silence that came after your words. Snow lightly began to fall.

You let out a sigh as you stretched your arms over your head. An idea sparked in your head and you stood up, leaping back into the yard, almost slipping on a patch of wet ground.

Composing yourself, you stood in front of Giyuu, holding your hand out to him with a smile.

He looked at you questioningly and you leaned forward, taking his hands into yours.

"Dance with me!"

Pulling him with you, you began to lead him around in an erratic way, occasionally spinning or twirling around piles of snow.

Admittedly, you had no idea how to dance, but it was so fun to prance around the bare trees and snow drifts.

Unsurprisingly, he didn't seem to be having trouble keeping pace, allowing you to lead the way through the area.

Having so much fun, you had forgotten about the slippery wet ground, finally losing balance and falling into one of the snow piles, dragging Giyuu down with you.

Sitting up quickly, snow flew off you. Looking over to Giyuu, who was also sitting up, you let out a laugh seeing his dark hair caked with white, not that you were any better.

He gave a small smile and reached forward, brushing a tuft of snow from your face.

You shivered, "Its so cold!"

"Its snow."

Grinning, you crawled forward and sat against him, looking up at his face happily.

"I heard that penguins huddle together to keep warm, they live in the snow."


"Yea, a traveler came to my house once, I'm pretty sure he wasn't from here, he spoke different languages." You smiled, resting your chin on your knees, "He said penguins were flightless birds that live in the snow, or at least that's what my father translated."

Sighing, you looked at your hands, the tips of your fingers were red from the cold, "I wish they didn't die."

At your sudden change in mood, Giyuu rested his head against yours. Turning a bit in place, you leaned into him more, curling your hands into your chest to warm them.

Closing your eyes, you savored the moment. Shortly after the sound of a bird entered earshot before it cawwed out, "Tomioka, a new mission awaits in a town southeast!"

You could hear him let out a breath, seemingly slightly irked as he sat up.

"I don't want you to leave again." You mumbled.

"I have to go." He prepared to stand and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"A few more minutes?" You insisted as he stood up, taking you with him.

He let out a small sigh before lifting your feet off the ground and carrying you over to the house, setting you down on the deck, he pulled away from you.

Looking down, you pouted a bit.

"Bye." He spoke, face coming towards you.

Your eyes instinctively closed and you felt a warm pressure on your forehead.

When your eyes opened again, he was gone, leaving nothing but snow in your vision. You blushed, touching your forehead.

"Bye." You echoed.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now