13○ Healing

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The trip was beginning to near its end. In about a day, you would arrive wherever it was that Giyuu had been leading you to.

"Um," you began, looking at your hands as they fiddled around, "Tomioka?"

He looked over his shoulder slightly, gazing at you with his usual neutral look.

"When we get there, which you said will be soon, are you gonna stay around?" You asked, picking at the skin around your nail as you anxiously returned his gaze.

After a short pause, he turned his head forward and spoke, "No."

Dropping your eyes back down to your hands you frowned, "Oh."

Falling back into silence, you gazed at a group of wildflowers as you walked passed them.

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you decided to do something bold. Stepping forward so you were next to him, you reached over and grabbed his hand.

He quickly looked at you, but you had already cast your eyes to the floor. To your relief, he didn't shake you off or react negatively.

A few paces forward and he spoke up once more, "Giyuu."

You looked up at him, he was still looking forward. You were a bit surprised, "W-What?"

"You can call me that." He finished.

Blinking a bit, you smiled.



It was about noon. You were resting and eating some food you had saved from your last town.

Giyuu had gone off somewhere, you weren't sure what he was doing. Finishing up, you stood and began to wander, looking for him to let him know you were ready to go.

Turning around a tree, you caught movement out of the corner of your eye.

Looking over you saw him. He was sitting against a large rock, turned away from you and doing something to his arm.

Raising a brow, you creeped closer, confused about what was happening. That is until you caught a familiar glimpse of red.


You grew panicked, reaching forward and letting out a small gasp, "You're hurt?!"

Jumping a bit at your seemingly sudden appearance, he leaned away from you, ducking his injury out of view.

Kneeling beside him, you loomed over, trying to see it again.

"Let me see!"

Shaking his head, he lifted his arm, holding you away from looking.

Holding his arm, you tried to move it, obviously failing.

You whined, "Why not? When did it happen?"

Staring at you he responded, "Not long ago. It's not important you don't need to worry."

You thought for a moment before frowning, "It happened when that demon attacked, didn't it!"

His silence was all the confirmation you needed. Your shoulders sagged.

"So it's my fault. The demons are attracted to my blood, and because of that, you're hurt." You shook your head and looked him in the eye, "Let me heal you. It's the least I could do."

Looking at you, his face flashed with concern before he sighed, pulling his injured arm forward and allowing you to see it.

After taking a short look at it you knew how to properly treat it.

"Ok, I know what to do." You mumbled.

Taking a small pocketknife from your small bag, you clicked it open. Giyuu's eyes widened slightly and he reached up a hand to stop you, but before he could, you had alread cut open a small cut on your forearm.

As the blood began to trail down your arm, you cupped your hand under it as it began dripping.

"Sorry," you offered him a small smile as you reached your now bloodied hand towards his wound, "This is a less formal way of doing it then usual."

He grimaced as you roughly pressed against his injury, mixing your blood into it.

After about a minute, you stopped and sat back. Watching as it, like magic, closed up with a thin, fresh skin layer.

You then pulled out bandages and wrapped it, to prevent the new skin from opening accidentally.

"There, now it should heal faster, about two days, also there shouldn't be any pain." You spoke with a relieved smile.

He was staring at where you had cut yourself. The wound was practically already healed.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now