8○ Ghosts

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The sun was setting once more. Your anxiety spiked once more and you made sure to walk closely to Giyuu.

Your e/c orbs flicked around at every slight sound. The trees were about 2 meters away, the dirt path leading through a small field with long yellowed grass.

The hairs on the back of your neck raised as something brushed by it causing you to nearly choke on your own saliva.

Whirling your head around, you were calmed at the sight of a small flickering lightning bug.

You watched as it blinked and flew quietly over to the long grass where a group of them flew around peacefully.

Shaking your head, you sped up to where you were walking previously. A few stars were starting to come out above you and the wind rustling the trees and bushes aside the random cries of hidden nocturnal animals made you uneasy.

You could only hope that there were no demons around. Up ahead on the path you could see the outline of a building.

It stood dark and alone, void of any noises or sights. It was a bit eerie to you as you approached it.

"Let's rest here." Giyuu spoke up for the first time in a while.

"Here? But doesn't someone live here?" You asked, looking at the building.

"No, its abandoned."

Your eye twitched, "And that's supposed to make it better?"

He looked at you, slight confusion visible on his face, "What's wrong with it?"

Looking at the building then at him you narrowed your eyes a bit, "What if its haunted."

It was dead silent after that, only the sounds of crickets chirping away as he stared at you.

"It's not."

"How do you know?"

He didn't respond after that, just stepping forward and opening the door before walking into the darkness.

You gawked and looked around quickly before rushing after him.

"Dont just leave me out here!" You cried.

It was pretty dark inside the house. The wood creaked under your feet and you felt along the rough wall because you couldn't see where you were going.

Eventually the wall left your hand and you sensed you were in an open space. You tried to look around, squinting your eyes as if it would help.

"Tomioka? Where did you go?" You asked in a quiet voice.

Still looking around, you took a step forward as the wood near you creaked and something touched you.

You let out a small shriek as you jumped, tripping over your own feet and falling onto your butt.

"Are you ok?" Giyuu's calming voice called out.

You sighed and placed a hand over your chest, "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry." You felt his hand brush against your shoulder and you grabbed it.

"Its hard to see in here." You stated.

He gave a hum of agreement as you stood up again. After that he lead you to a corner of the room where you both sat.

Even though you couldn't see very well, you could feel the cold drafts of air that managed to blow in, making you shiver a bit.

You sat in silence for a bit, just listening to the crickets outside.

"Did you think I was a ghost?" He suddenly spoke up.

"Huh? Oh well, I suppose. But honestly there are worse things I worry about than ghosts." You responded honestly.


You laughed airily, "Yea."

It was quiet for a moment before he spoke again.


You turned your head, which had been resting on your knees, to him.

"What? Why?"

"If I had arrived earlier than maybe your family wouldn't be dead."

You blinked slowly, looking forward again, looking at the barely noticeable outlines of your fingers inches away from your eyes.

"You don't have to apologize for that." You mumbled, "Its not like anyone knew that we would be attacked like that."

"Where you hurt?" He questioned.

You smiled lightly, "No. My sister used herself as a shield for me, and I ran. Kinda pathetic huh? Running away."

"No, it was better that way, you probably would have died too."

"Well you're not wrong, but most people would probably sugarcoat it." You laughed, "I appreciate your honesty."

Leaning back, you lightly slid against the wall until your head rested on his shoulder. You could feel him stiffen.

"I like you, you're nice, but not in the overbearing kind of way." You beamed.

He slowly relaxed and your eyes began to feel heavy. There was a comfortable silence that made you feel at peace for the moment.

You began to doze off shortly after.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now