16○ Soothing

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Haha my family really makes me wanna doki doki delete myself sometimes! At least I have friends to confide in *sigh* <_<

He couldn't get the thought of you out of his head, not that he was thinking of you all the time.

Just that everytime he thought of you, the sound of your laughter and an image of you, covered in cold white, nose slightly red from the cold as you lay in a pile of the purest snow.





The seasons changed, it had been a while since you last saw Giyuu. Not that you were mad.

You knew he'd come eventually, and you were happy to wait, caring for people who visited the Wisteria family seeking aid.

In the meantime, you picked up a new hobby, painting. The old lady, you called her granny, called them unique, but you knew your artistic skills left something to be desired.

But still, it was so fun to get lost in the colors and different ways to layer colors.

You were laying on your back in the middle of your room. Dim daylight peaked through the small cracks in your door.

The room was quite dark but you hadn't bothered lighting a lantern or candle, just enjoyed the cool morning.

Just then, you could hear a dull shuffling from the yard and your e/c eyes slowly opened wider as you heard a voice.

"Y/n, are you here?"

Flying to your feet, you zoomed across the room, flinging open the door and launching yourself at an unsuspecting Giyuu.

He nearly dropped you, stumbling backwards unsteadily as your arms wrapped around his neck.

"Finally, you came back, I was about to begin worrying you know?" You spoke smiling widely.

"Sorry, I took longer than I thought."

You leaned away slightly, "Don't apologize. You're here now, that's all I care about."

Grabbing his hand, you quickly lead the way into your room.

"There's so much to catch up on! And there's something I wanna do!" You said giddily.



"I'm not very good at this yet, so you'll have to keep that in mind." You chimed, beginning to gently stroke lines of color on your canvas.

He hummed in acknowledgment. Without looking up, you started a conversation.

"Anything new?"


"Well I guess that's good. Nothing interesting has happened to me either, not that I expect anything interesting to happen here."

"Do you dislike it?"

"No, its peaceful, but I have to admit its pretty different from how I used to live. I used to spend alot of time in the forest, looking at plants and animals, I used to climb so many trees and swim in pools made by the river."

Tapping your brush, you looked up.

"When's your birthday?"

He seemed a bit surprised at your sudden change of topic.

"February 8th."

"Ohh, I guess that means I missed it, huh?" You smiled, looking back down at the canvas, you began painting again, "Mine is (birth date)."


It fell into a comfortable silence after that. You concentrated on the canvas and in a few couple of minutes you sat up triumphantly.

"Done!" You cheered, gesturing for him to come look.

He had the blanket face you had seen in a while and you narrowed your brow.



"Why are you looking at it like that?"

"Like what?"

"I told you it wasn't gonna be great!"

"Its great."

"Dont lie!"

He sighed as you chewed your cheek. Looking at you, he smiled lightly, "I like it."

You huffed, "That's not very convincing."

"I like it because you made it."

Blushing slightly, you were still a bit irked, "That's more convincing."


You hummed, setting down your paint brush into its cup with the other brushes.

That's when your face was softly held, being turned back towards him and, to your absolute shock, your lips met in a tender kiss.

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now