14○ A Promise

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The path you had been walking on slowly began to have more and more wisteria trees lining its edges.

They were quite beautiful along with the protection you knew they offered. It wasn't long before you were in front of a large house.

You looked around, taking in any and all details you could. That's when the large door opened to reveal two young girls.

They had white hair and wore violet flower kimonos. They looked so similar it creeped you out a bit.

"I've brought Y/n L/n of the L/n family." Giyuu spoke to the girls.

Biting your lip, you glanced around the small garden, wondering what would happen to you, not like you could return to your old home.

It wasn't long before you refocused your attention and took notice of someone new.

It was a man, his face looked diseased,  eyes clouded and blind. You hadn't seen something like that before.

He turned his attention away from Giyuu and to you.

"Y/n, correct?"

Swallowing a but you responded, "Yes."

"I'm glad you sound well, its unfortunate what happened to your family."

You looked at the floor while he continued.

"There is a place you can go. You will be safe from demons, I hope. I look forward to talking with you more."

"Thank you." You spoke with a polite bow, even though you were sure he couldn't see it.



The gate to the house you were to stay at had a wisteria emblem. It wasn't long before a small old lady pushed open the gate.

She had a big smile and equally big hair.

"Welcome, you must be Y/n?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes Ma'am."

You glanced over at Giyuu, who had escorted you to this place, his expression was the same as always.

"Please come in." The elder said, opening the door wider for you.

Stepping inside, you looked around the large area. A decently sized house, with a small garden off to the side.

"The wisteria family, huh?" You mumbled to yourself as the old lady took the lead, showing you the way into the house.

You were shown a few main rooms before being given a room of your own.

"I hope you find it comfortable here." She bowed to you before leaving.

Sighing, you quickly stepped across the room, going to the back door and sliding it open.

Looking around a bit, you finally spotted Giyuu. You had lost him earlier on the tour but were relieved that he was still around.

Quickly leaping off the patio, you approached.

"I guess you'll be leaving soon?" You interrupted the silence.

"Yes." He replied, gazing at the sky as a crow circled above.

Smiling sadly you twiddled your fingers.

"I'll get to see you again, right?" His silence made you bite your lip anxiously.

"I'm not sure." He finally answered.

Walking to stand behind him, you leaned forward and rested your head between his shoulders.

"When you can, you should come visit. I can heal any of your wounds or just make tea, anything would be ok." You quavered.

"I'll visit, if I come back from my missions."

Smiling you took a step back as he turned to face you, you held out your hand to him.

"Then it's a promise."

Hesitantly, he took your hand and you smiled wider.

"I'll be seeing you again, Giyuu."

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now