12○ Guilty Conscience

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Your legs were still shaking, you knew your blood made you a target to demons but it didn't make getting attacked by them any easier.

You sat on a tree stump, fiddling with your fingers anxiously.

"If only I were stronger. Then I wouldnt need to rely on others to save me. Maybe I would be able to help them, I could've helped them, there was something I could've done, right?"

You frowned and your throat grew tight as you once again remembered that you were never gonna see your family again.

Not one was spared besides you. Their voices still rang in your head, mere echoes in time that you feared to forget.

Tears finally began to fall from your watery eyes. It was such a depressing feeling, knowing that you no longer had a family. Much less a home.

Giyuu looked over to you, his eyes widened a bit and he came closer.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked.

You looked up at him slowly, "They're all dead."

The words were nearly silent, and you buried your face in your hands and continued to cry like a child.

"They're all dead and there's nothing I can do about it."

He wasn't sure how to react. Hesitantly, he put a hand on your shoulder.

"I understand how you feel."

Before he could say more, you jumped toward him, wrapping your arms under his and around his back.

Your sudden weight forced you both down, sitting against the leafy ground. You burrowed your head into his chest.

"I watched them all die. I watched and did nothing to help. If I had tried then I might've saved at least one of them."

Your hands tightened to fists as you shook. Giyuu was silent above you.

"Its because I'm so weak that I don't have a family anymore. What good am I alive when I cant even protect myself."

Just then you felt his arms around your back, pulling you closer. Your breathing was stifled against his thick shirt.

"Enough of that. There's nothing you could have done. You should rest."

Not bothering to push away, you closed your weary eyes as your breath grew thin.

Your skin felt warm, your body weightless as your legs moved rhythmically in the air.

The grogginess you had felt before passing out was gone, leaving you only slightly drowsy as you opened your eyes slowly.

It was morning. It had been early night when you had passed out. The warm light from the early morning felt like a blanket on you.

You were being carried along a path, your head resting against a chest.

Flicking your e/c irises up, you got a good look of Giyuu's calm face above you.

Unsure if he was aware that you were awake, you stayed silent, not really in the mood to walk just yet.

"I wish every morning could be this calming."

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now