7○ Peeper

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You were walking through a very noisy town. Many people were milling about, going to shops and holding bags of food or items they had bought.

It made you feel a little claustrophobic as many people kept brushing shoulders with you. You had to hold onto Giyuu's haori in an attempt to not get lost or separated.

Eventually he crowd thinned out a considerable amount as you both entered an alley. You breathed a sigh of relief and let go of him.

"That's way to many people." You sighed.

Giyuu hummed in agreement before continuing to lead the way down the less crowded alley. Everything was fine and dandy until you rounded a corner and some random dude twice your age wolf whistled at you.

You ignored him, continuing to follow Giyuu until an arm wrapped around your shoulder and you were forced backwards against a chest.

"Dont be like that girly!" The stranger grinned, his breath stinking if cigarettes and alcohol.

You turned your face away in disgust, trying to push him away.

"Let go!" You wheezed as he squeezed you tighter.

"Aw come on now, I just wanna show you a good ti-AH-OW!" His words got cut of by his own shout of pain as his arm was bent behind him.

"Sorry, I don't want you touching her." Your savior, Giyuu said in a low, threatening tone.

"Aight! Cool it man!" The stranger said in a high tone, obviously in pain.

Giyuu released him and walked over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you away as the older man glared at you.

You lifted your arm and curled your lip in disgust.

"Great, now I smell." You seethed.

Giyuu sighed ahead of you and after a couple minutes you were walking along the path leading out of that town.

You relished the calm that came as the loud obnoxious town faded behind you and melted into birdsong.

Giyuu let go of your hand that you honestly forgot he had been holding and you swung your arms a bit.

Twitching a bit as random wafts of stink invaded your smell. Sighing loudly you spoke up again.

"We might need to stop somewhere, I dont like the smell of stinky old man on my body."

"I know a place ahead." The ravenette spoke up, "We can stop there."

You nodded and sure enough, a few minutes ahead there was a large boulder with an imprint on it reading "Natural hot spring"

Rubbing your chin, you followed him in, feeling a little hesitant. The path split into two, one side reading "Women only" and the other with "Men only".

"I'll be around if you need help, just call for me." He told you.

You nodded and slowly went down the path for women.
(Sorry if your a dude reading this >^<)

Eventually, after a short while, you reached the pools of hot spring water. You were kind of happy to see it.

You stripped off your clothes, sloshing them around in some clean warm water off to the side before hanging them to dry on a few hooks.

Wrapping yourself in a fluffy towel, you headed to the showers were you washed yourself clean of the three days worth of dirt and sweat.

Gingerly, you cleaned your shoulder wound, it was healing quickly, not as fast as smaller cuts but faster than normal people.

You wrapped your body in the towel again, tucking it in front of you securely before going over to the spring and putting your legs in it.

It was calm and peaceful, just the way you liked it.

That is, until you heard a loud crash from somewhere behind you.

"The hell-"

You turned to see a young looking boy laying on the ground with a tin on his head.

He made eye contact with you and immediately looked guilty. You felt dead inside as you stared at him blankly.

It was quiet as you both stared at eachother.

"Peeping tom." You muttered with a dead expression.

He scrambled against to floor and stood, "What no I'm not! How did I get in here?!"

"Peeper." You said in an equally dead tone as your previous one.

He cried out, flailing his arms, "N-No! I did nothing wrong!"

You furrowed your brow and shouted loudly while pointing at him, "Pervert!"

He let out a cry, flinching away from you. It was then that you noticed a figure standing behind the boy.

Before you could say a word, a familiar blade stabbed into the stone floor next the the boy, effectively scaring the hell out of him.

The kid screamed before booking it down the path and out if the hot spring.

You blinked slowly, your elbow on your thigh as your hand rested in your palm.

"Why did you come in?" You questioned neutrally.

"You shouted. I assumed there was a problem." He spoke in his usual tone.

You shrugged, "I mean I guess, it was just a kid though, I could've scared him away."

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now