3○ Found

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The next morning, you began to think of possible places you might find demon slayers.

"Obviously anywhere a demon is but that might be a little bit dangerous."

You sighed and picked up a pencil, resuming the list of stock the old man wanted you to write.

Then you heard a shout of pain and stood up quickly, rushing out of the house to see the old man on the side of the road grimacing.

"Old man! What's wrong!" You rushed over and helped him to sit up.

"I just slipped while holding a sack of wheat, hurt my foot that's for sure!"

"Here, let me look." You spoke and turned your eyes to look at his foot.

His ankle was swelling and turning a purple color, it looked painful.

"Ok old man, I'm gonna help but you gotta promise not to move ok?"

"Ye a doctor or somethin?" He asked as you moved to a better angle to treat him.

"In a way." You replied, holding up the pencil you had taken with you.

"What are ye-"

You stabbed the pencil into your arm and created a gash in it, your blood freely flowing down your skin.

"Oi kid that's not good, for sure!" He yelled in surprise.

"Hush!" You put your hand to your gash and allowed the blood to coat it, then you pressed it to the old mans ankle.

You sucked in a breath, focusing your energy on the area you desired to heal. After a few minutes you removed your hand, now clear of any of your blood and sat back.

"How do you feel?" You asked.

"Like I got a new foot! That some freaky magic ye got kid!" He said in amazement.

You laughed, "It's not magic it's the blood healing art."

"I dont get it but yer amazing, that's for sure!" He smiled widely.

You smiled back and got ready to stand when you noticed a crow watching you. It hopped closer to you and stared at your face for a while before taking off into the sky.

"That was strange."

"Alright kid! Ye convinced me! Let's go into town and buy something sweet!"

"What? You dont have to do that for me!" You said waving your arms.

"And ye didn't have ta heal me! It's a fair trade that's for sure!" He laughed.

So you walked to town with him and bought some ice cream mochi. It was sweet and reminded you of home in the summer, laughing and messing around with your family.

The overwhelming grief you hadn't been able to process finally hit you and you started to cry.

Th old man tried his best at comforting you but eventually just left you to cry. You sat outside, as tears fell from your hot, flushed face.

The mochi you had been holding was melting between your fingers as your other hand rested against your face.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for someone, do you know of them?"

You sniffed and wiped your eyes as you looked up to see a male with black hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry, who are you looking for?" You asked.

"A person. They might've passed through here or possibly even still be here." He spoke in a calm tone.

His voice instilled a comfort in you that you couldn't really explain.

"I'm not sure, I haven't been here very long so I wouldn't really notice anyone new." You spoke in a groggy tone, clearing it after you spoke.

"Oh." He said, looking a bit annoyed.

"Maybe I can still help? I haven't been here long but I'm know my way around well enough." You tried, not wanting to be useless to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked as you stood up, putting the mochi on the ground for some ants as you washed off your hand with a damp rag nearby.

"I'm sure. I like to help people anyway." You forced a smile.

He just nodded and began to walk toward the town, you followed after him and once you got to the town started leading him to stores and stalls to ask about if they'd seen anyone new.

Everyone had the same answer, no one really new except for you. Having failed quite miserably, you both made your way back to the old man's house.

"Sorry, that wasn't really any help." You apologized, rubbing the back of your head.

"Its ok, but I was sure she'd be here after the description I got." He replied coolly.

"Description? From who?" You asked curiously.

"My crow."

You paused, biting your lip as you looked at him incredulously.

"You're.... crow." You looked away, "Right. Anyway you can come inside if you'd like, I'm sure the old man wouldn't mind."

He seemed to think for a moment before nodding, "Only for a short while, I should really find that person."

After a bit of rambling from the old man, the ravenette was seated with a cup of tea as you smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry that I couldn't offer you something nicer." You sighed defeatedly.

"It's alright, I dont mind." He said in a blank tone.

"Not really one for expression I assume?"

"Sorry, but I don't think we introduced ourselves at all, so what's your name?" You asked, trying desperately to ease the formal atmosphere.

"Tomioka Giyuu." He said looking at you.

"Well it's nice to meet you, My name is Y/n L/n."

It went silent after that and you felt like you were gonna die with the way he looked at you.


"Huh?" You squeaked.

"You are who I was looking for."

Vendetta (Giyuu Tomioka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now