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Absolute chaos is happening in head. Be it monsters, ghosts or wolves. I don't know, but it seemed to be gnawing at my mind in a way I couldn't think.

"Stop." I whispered. "Hunter?" My face cringed, I could feel it due to all the pain and confusion.

Hunter jumped up from his slumber. "What's wrong, Nautica?"

"I can't - its just..." I screamed out in pain. "Stop!"

He grabbed me by my arms and held me tightly. Yet somehow, my force was bigger than his and he fell onto the floor of his bedroom.

My eyes were having double vision.

I'll get you.



Kill your pack and your mate.

Blood. Red.

You aren't one of them.

All these words repeating in my head. I screamed at the top of my lungs, feeling the change in me. It felt better, the evil kind of better. My hair turned entirely red. I knew because it was the same feeling as something crawling on you.

"Nautica!" Hunter roared.

I clawed at the bed, "Go away, now!" But he didn't and came my way. In just a matter of moments, Hunter and I had started war. Its not like I intended to but my wolf had taken over. Hunter was thrown across the room and smashed into the glass windows. He got up just as fast and tried to attack me but I had moved out of the way and flipped him upside down. Bones in him cracked and broke.

Blood trickled down his face, down his stomach almost as if he was going to faint. Just then, Kyle came in with Jae on his tail. Both of them gave me a look before saying "Please excuse me for doing this Alpha and Luna."

Kyle's attention was turned to me while Jae went to help Hunter stand up. Kyle's eyes turned a ice cold blue, "I'm sorry Luna." He lunged at me but I had dodged and twisted his arm back. Kyle twisted himself out of my grip and grasped my throat. I pulled myself free before he could do anything but I noticed he had a needle in his hand.

I looked at him in the eyes and relaxed myself so it would be easier for him to put the serum into me to become normal agree. "Do it fast." I said quickly. Kyle nodded and did as I said when I had tried to pull away from my wolf to lessen my strength. Luckily, Kyle did it when he had the chance and succeeded.

I felt my whole body go numb and weak. I fell to the ground and breathed heavily with my vision doubling once again. Hunter wasn't in the room, it was only Kyle and me. "Hunter." I whispered.

"Luna." Kyle bowed his head.

"Where is he?" I asked, falling deeper into an abyss. Kyle reached out for me and I didn't argue when he pulled me into his arms and carried me to a place I couldn't make out.


"He's not healing. Alpha's losing so much blood and his body is trying so hard to recover, he's overworking."

"That's impossible. Every wolf heals, maybe he needs more time."

I woke up, Kyle and Jae were conversing across the room by the windows of my old room. I happened to be lying on my bed. They heard me stir and rushed over.

"Luna." Kyle said. He bowed his head down as an apology from the earlier events. I could tell that it hasn't even been five hours since the incident because the moon was still in the sky.

My clothes were still the same but I wasn't sure who's blood was on me. "How's Hunter?"

Jae hesitated. "He's not healing at all."

I sighed. It was all my fault. I had lost control and exploded. But who's voice was talking to me? Commanding me? Almost as was my own kind. But that's impossible, Red Howlers were extinct.

"Jae, can you get me a knife?" He gave me a weary look. "I'm not going to suicide goddammit."

"Okay." He replied with the same hesitating look.

"Kyle, where is Hunter?" I asked.

"He's with the doctor right now. They're downstairs in a secluded hallway just incase Hunter explodes with pain."

"I don't know why it happened." I whispered, the tears were being swallowed behind my eyes. "I don't know why I became this monster!"

Kyle pulled me into his arms. "It's not your fault you were born a Red Howler, Nat. You're powerful and great. You have so much more to you than this. I saw the look in your eyes, it wasn't you. It looked like someone had taken over your body, mind and soul. But you were strong enough to fight it."

His words were just a string of courage that raked through the air. My crying had been thrice times louder than his talking. Jae walked in a few minutes later and handed me the knife. Then the both of them led me to the room Hunter was in.

Groans of pain could be heard outside the door. Something nagged at my heart, my aching heart.

"I know you know this but his pain connects to all of us and it's not as severe but we're trying our best to absorb his pain for him. But it's too much, if I or Jae take too great of an amount of his pain, we could go crazy and kill others easily." Kyle explained.

"I know." I said, looking away. "That's why I'm here." I slowly opened the door. The doctor was busily trying to keep Hunter quiet and painless. He gave me a tight smile and moved aside for me. "Can you all just leave for a few minutes?"

Jae looked at the knife in my hand. "Yes, I'm going to kill your Alpha." I said sarcastically. Jae's eyes popped bigger. "I'm just kidding. Drag Jae out of here before I use this knife on him."

I put the blade onto my hand, "I hope this works again." I sliced my hand open, the blood rushed out. It hasn't even been that long since I got him hurt and did this. I pressed it into a nearby bowl, it burned my hand as I tried to squeeze blood out. After the blood reached half way full, I put warm water and mixed it together. I hoped that it would be easier to heal all of his places rather than just my pure blood.

Ten minutes passed when I finally let the guys come back in. Hunter was still unconscious but he seemed to groan less and breathed easier.

"You look rather pale, Luna." The doctor looked closely at my face then examined my hand. "You performed the only option of using your blood to heal him?"

I nodded. "He could've died."

"He'll be awake in a few hours then. Kyle and Jae, I think she's not feeling well from the loss of blood. Take her to her room and I'll be over to transfer blood to her body." Kyle and Jae obeyed the doctor's orders and walked me over to my room. Kyle is saying something to Jae when I fall asleep. I can't make out the words much but just single a sentence.

"There seems to be another Red Howler."


Woot woot!!! It's been three long months and I'm sorry for the long wait.

It's a crappy chapter and a filler but there seems to be more suspicions now. Who's the other Red Howler? Take your guess in the comments! First person to comment their guess will have the dedication of the next chapter!!!!


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