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What is this?

His fur was blazing red, almost like a bright beam of light at me. I couldn't move, I was stuck in place while the red wolf was approaching me slowly.

Then suddenly, it transformed into human form. "Hello Nautica, long time no see my dear."

He circled around me, he was old, old enough to be fifty. His brown hair had strands of gray that could be seen.

I didn't reply, instead I felt s connection to this mysterious man somehow. "Who are you?" I finally managed to say.

His voice was loud with his ringing laugh. "Now it wouldn't be fun to just tell you now, would it? Plus, I think your Alpha is looking for you right now." He nudged towards the large windows and I turned around to look at Hunter, sure enough he was there but he gave me a weird look.

When I turned around, the red howler was gone.

What are you doing out there all alone?

Nothing. Have you seen Nick?

No, I can't catch his scent anywhere. I think he's caught on onto our plan.

Shit. Alright then, I'll try my best.

Don't do anything stupid. Call for me if you need help.

Sometimes Hunter was so caring and kind but sometimes he makes me feel like cutting off his manhood in his sleep but I wouldn't dare do that to my mate.

I needed to see Patty. She said she would help me through this. Who the hell is that red howler? For all I've known these eleven years, I was the only one to be existing. I was fourteen when a relationship didn't work out between the Red Howlers and a gray pack, which I still don't know the identity of.

Fucking shit.

So many things to solve with only one of me. First thing first, I had to find Holly and Jules. They couldn't be far from here. I met up with Hunter, Kyle and Jae in the ballroom and we discussed a new plan.

Nick was gone and the guys were picking up their mates' scent more and more meaning that they were nearby.

Suddenly a thought popped up in my mind. "Alphas always let their beta take care of things for them, right?"

Hunter nodded. "And Betas usually do what they want with those things, correct?"

Kyle was hesitant to answer this because Hunter was present, "Yes."

"And since Nick is a beta and I know him well, he wouldn't put Holly and Jules anywhere else other than a club. He's flirty and always craving attention from girls. There was a club or bar when we passed by, right?" I got hyped up, this was like solving a crime. It was a crime anyways.

Everyone was quick on their feet as we rushed out and into the car. Kyle drove fast and we arrived no longer than five minutes.

Sure enough, Nick was sitting at the table with a few girls surrounding him. He looked up and connected eyes with Kyle - crystalized blue eyes that could kill you.

"Well well well, I was wondering when you would be smart enough to figure out that I already knew your plan." Nick stood up and four other members of his pack joined him. "Give us Nautica and we'll give you the girls. Should be easy right? Oh c'mon I'm doing a great deal here, two for one. Isn't that a steal?"

"Such a asshole." Jae cursed loudly.

I took a step but Hunter held out a arm and prevented me from going any closer.

"I've got this." I whispered.

The look in Hunter's eyes was scary. Something I've never seem. Just warm brown eyes that called out to me. "No, I'm not gonna let you go with them. We're gonna get Jules and Holly back. And our only choice is to fight it out."

In seconds, everyone was throwing punches at the other. "Go find the girls!" Hunter yelled and I obeyed. I ran through the backstage of the dancers and entered through a door. I've seen this way too many times to know where the common place to put hostages are. After much running and fighting the Blue Moon pack, I finally found them in a room. They looked fine but I could feel that they were scared.

"Let's get you guys out of these." I said as I picked up a set of keys from a lifeless wolf. There were chains around their wrists and ankles which was hard for normal wolves to do but even if it were me, I'd struggled for a minute before being set free.

After I set them free, we ran as fast as we could back into the room where Hunter,Jae and Kyle were. It was chaotic. I could see five to six Blue Moon members including Nick fighting with Hunter. The three of us joined in. I managed to break a wolf's arm before he surrendered and laid still on the ground. It was endless as we kept fighting them off, we just needed to run out the door but it would be impossible since Blue Moon members had doubled in minutes.

"I didn't know you'd play dirty, Nick." I said as I twisted his arm behind him.

"I guess you didn't know me well enough then." He flipped me over and I landed hard on the ground but the impact was little.

I pulled down my shirt into place again, "I always knew you had a thing for me."

Nick smirked. "Still do." He mouthed. I ran into him and rammed him into the ground.I don't know how long I punched him until he was smiling goofily with blood spurting out his mouth.

"Ugh, you're such a asshole. Tell James we're coming for him next time if he causes more problems for us." He didn't reply and laughed more. James was their alpha but he was the type to be out of sight, leaving Nick to everything.

I stood up to go help Jules who had fallen down from a punch. Her eyes grew wide as I approached. "Luna! Behind you!"

I felt a sharp pain on my stomach.

"Nautica!" Hunter yelled. I fell onto the ground, a silver knife in my stomach. Nick had stabbed me in the stomach when I turned around from Jules' warning.

Fucking asshole.

Blood splattered on my hands as I pulled the knife from my stomach. The metallic taste filled my mouth as I laid helpless on the ground.

"Stay with me." Hunter yelled but it was only a faint echoing voice. His face blurred quickly.

Nick was such a fucking asshole.



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