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Although I wasn't ready to announce my pregnancy  Hunter was more than ready. He insisted that we throw a celebration the next day. And although I wanted to sleep longer today, my hormones did not let me. Just from the smells of frying food in the kitchen had me vomiting in seconds. I run my hand over my belly, it isn't big yet since I was only two months along. I was nervous as I had never imagined myself being pregnant . But I was way more nervous to meet Luke as my brother. He was only seventeen and being seventeen comes with a lot of stress already so I was contemplating if I should tell him we were siblings or wait until he was older and ready to accept it. But I had wondered all night if people already knew he was a Red Howler from shifting. 

I get dressed in a casual pink empire dress and head downstairs. 

"Congrats Luna!" Jules and Holly comes to hug me. 

"Thank you babes." I smiled, feeling the excitement they had in them. 

"Where is Hunter?" I asked. 

"Alpha went out to do some business. He said he'd be back for the party." Holly replied 

I nodded then went to see what was up with decorations and the food.


As I set the last tray of chicken in the table, hands snaked around my waist. 

"Hey, sorry I left without telling you." Hunter's breath fans against my neck, sending goosebumps all over my body. 

I turned around and kissed him. "It's ok. Let's go upstairs." I lead Hunter upstairs and he doesn't disobey, instead stares hard into my back. 

As soon as Hunter enters our room, I slam the door shut and push him onto the bed. For the past few days we had only been dealing with problems and had no time to have sex. But we had an hour until the party which left lots and lots of time. 

I ride Hunter and rip his white tee off of him then I try to unbutton his jeans but he carefully flips me under him, unclapsing my bra after. He strips his pants and boxers off then pulls my underwear off. 

"How'd you know I was waiting for this?" He asks in between breaths. He suddenly takes one of my nipple into his mouth and I gasp, my stomach clenching. 

I groaned, "Fuck, I need you." I wrapped my legs tightly around him and he obeys, entering all of him at once into me.

We finished shortly after and got dressed into fancier clothes.

"So I've been thinking about my brother Luke." I said. 

"Yes?" Hunter replied, slipping socks on. 

"I don't think I want to tell him yet. I want to wait." I say.

Hunter turns to look at me and I melt. He was so gorgeous. His eyes were brown like chocolate and he had just shaved, giving him a clean look. 

"You're so fucking hot." I say, licking my lips. He walks closer to me.

He bites his bottom lip, something I've never seen and I feel build up at the bottom of my stomach again. 

"It's okay if you want to wait to tell your brother," Hunter says, "but I can't wait to fuck you again baby." 

I just hope no one heard us the second time.

The pack started to arrive slowly then suddenly they all poured in. There was loud music, lots of drinks and a lot of food. The whole pack was here so they're were  people ranging from different ages. Hunter is holding a beer in his hand while he talks to some guys and I was surrounded by a group of girls, some I knew and some I just met. 

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming. As you all already know, Luna is pregnant." Hunter is standing in the living room with a mic. He didn't even looked tipsy or drunk. I had also noticed he was a lot nicer these days. He wasn't a mean and tough alpha anymore which I think was good for the pack.

"And I just want everyone to know how much she means to this pack." Hunter starts to walk closer to me. 

"She's kind of fiesty but she has a heart of gold. The most understanding woman I've ever met, but she still has a temper." Everyone in the room laughs a little. 

"But I love her, unconditionally. Apart from being wolves and being mates, I want you to marry me, like what humans do." Hunter is on one knee in front of me. My eyes are teary and probably some girls as well. He was so sweet. 

Hunter open the small box and it reveals a large round diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds around the band. It's sparkles. 

"Will you marry me?" He didn't even had to ask. 

"Yes!" Everyone in the room  claps and shouts but all I cared about was Hunter. Our lips pressed together and in this moment I was happy. I was content and fulfilled. 

It was pure bliss. 

"I love you." 

"I love you, forever and always." Hunter gives me another kiss and the room erupts in cheers.


Hunter mumbled a whole lot during his sleep but it was probably from all the drinking. Our pack finally left the house around two in the morning when their Alpha headed to bed. The house was cleaned shortly by some maids. 

I couldn't fall asleep and helped them clean a little even when they refused my help. I turned the tv on, flipping channels until I landed on White Chicks. This was my ultimate favorite movie. I laughed and ate snacks and stared at my ring for a long time. 

"Nautica. Wake up." Hunter shakes me lightly. 

"Hm?" I mumbled and rubbed my eyes. The sky was still dark. 

Hunter smiled but he looked a little drained. 

"Come back to bed." He easily swoops me into his arms and I don't fight it because I'm too tired. But I feel him slipping something around my wrist before falling asleep. I tiredly glance at it, seeing that it's red and sparkly. There are red diamonds around the bracelet. 

It was the ruby. 


There should be a picture of what the bracelet looks like so yeah! I'll include what the ring looks like in the next chapter!!!

Thanks for reading!

See you soon. 

Dawnnn xx

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