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Ch. 3


"Thanks, just set it there." I said to Holly.

It was early in the morning. I had searched for Hunter's keys for the Range Rover yesterday and somewhere in the midst of sneaking out to grab my things, Hunter woke up and thought I was trying to leave with his precious baby. I would've loved to, but that would be too cruel of me.

Anyways, it wasn't the best scenario when he started to freak out. Yes, freak out. I hadn't expected such an alpha to go crazy but he did and I kind of laughed the entire time. You see, I jog a lot in the morning so I was on my way to grab my clothes from the car and I know how wolves like to have their beauty time so I didn't wanna wake the alpha up.

When I had actually calmed him down and explained the situation he was dumbfounded. Obviously, where would I go? I need his pack to cover my identity and help me fight the rogues. Rogues or omegas are wolves that don't have a pack, either kicked out for some despicable thing or for just no apparent reason.

Anyways, that was how Holly and Kyle ended up waking up at seven thirty in the morning. I could've done all the work myself, but Hunter insisted so I had agreed.

I changed in the room I was given, I hadn't bothered touching any of the clothing that was in my new wardrobe. I checked myself on the mirror, a tight black top and a stretchy capris. I was slender and tall, big 'front' and 'back' due to the excessive exercise and fighting.

Just when I opened the door, Hunter was there. His golden orbs were looking at my own dark eyes. The scratches on his face had healed over night, leaving me to gaze at his face.

"Did you need something?" I scanned his attire. He had on a simple white T-shirt and black shorts that hung dangerously low on his hips. He looks damn delicious.

"I was gonna tag along with your jogging to show you how far along you should jog and to make sure my pack don't mistake you as a rogue or omega." He simply spoke. But it was a smooth and nice tone.

The reason was good enough and for me to join his pack, I should at least obey a few rules and commands.

I nodded and he led the way. We first jogged the left way towards the woods then a clearing came into view. It was beautiful. To the left there was a small lake and freshly cut grass and beautiful flowers. There were houses surrounding half of the lake. The houses were luxurious and modern.

"I really like this town. It's very...beautiful." I said as we passed the area and onto the next. We, of course, were jogging faster than the human being.

"Thanks." He replied and slightly smiled.

Around thirty minutes later, sightseeing, questions and a few meetings with some members, we were back at the house. I have to say, the town was large and must've been a lot of work.

Before we entered the house, Hunter said, "Use the wardrobe and dress up for tonight." It was more of a command but I pushed it aside and compromised.

"Okay. What should I wear?" I asked.

"A dress." His eyebrows furrowed. "I'll be introducing you to my entire pack. It's gonna be more of a formal, cocktail party. Please dress well." I nodded.

Hunter headed for the door but turned back, it startled me. "You scared me." I muttered under my breath.

"Sorry." He apologized. Of course, we're wolves. How could he not hear me? "I'll come to your room around eight."

I tried to fight a scowl that was trying to take over my face. I haven't really adjusted to taking other peoples order but somehow with Hunter, I was slowly and I mean very slowly trying to be polite and obey half his orders.

"Okay, I'll see you at eight then." I casually replied and followed him inside the house.


It was shortly after six that I finally stood up from my comfortable bed and walked into my closet.

The rest of the morning and afternoon after our jog, I ate breakfast with Holly and Kyle while Hunter was out doing 'business'. Then, I skipped lunch because I just didn't felt like eating and the entire rest of the afternoon, I spent in my room marveling at my surroundings.

Sounds fun, right? Well it was.

I recalled Hunter' words, party and cocktail, and searched in the closet for a dress as he recommended. The closet was nearly organized by color and style. I was overwhelmed by the choices I had to choose from. The dresses were located at the back on a long rack. After scanning almost through the entire dresses, I came across a black empire dress.

It was chic, had cut-off shoulders with a lacy see through at the top and would cut off right above my knees.

I did my make up lightly, wanting to please the pack and not overdo anything to make them think I was a total bitch.

However, why did Hunter make such a big deal it of this? Whatever.

That's because I am a big deal.

I curved my hair inwards to compliment my facial features then put on the dress. It was really pretty and gave off an feminine aurora. Then I headed to the rack of shoes and picked out a black open-toe shoe that made me two inches taller. To top my entire outfit off, I put on my favorite red bracelet and slid one of the sparkly ring on.

Just when I took a look at the time, there was a knock at my door.

"Coming!" I yelled and glanced at the clock, 8:01.

When I opened the door, Hunter stared me down. I did the same to him. A classic black and white tuxedo and his hair was combed up and back making him look sharp.

He cleared his throat, "Ready?"

I nodded.

I was more than ready.


This is unedited.

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