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"Hey, wake up." Hunter says, nudging his nose down my face. His bare body is pressed against me and his fingers skim my figure.

I turn around to face him, my eyes squinting due to the lack of sleep. "What? Why do I need to wake up?"

He kisses my cheek, "I have to leave soon for something, just keep resting then Nautica."

But he doesn't leave until he's touched my body like a map and left me in burning sensation once again.

Damn him.

Around ten a.m is when I finally find the energy in me to wake up, wash up and get dressed.

The air is fresh, a cold morning breeze but perfect for a run. I start jogging along the normal path when voices filled my ears. It's getting louder and louder as I try to shut it out. I thought it was the packs' telepathy but seemed to be more.

"Stop!" I yelled and fall onto the grass nearby. I tried to call Hunter and Kyle and them but nothing seemed to have gone through. Profanity, words, voices of males and females, children, women and men filled my ears.

My eyes blurred, "Stop...just stop."


I'm running. It's cold and smells like the woods. Almost like home and somehow I'm in my wolf form.

I'm red.

"What's going on?" I say in my mind.

It's quiet but I can hear it. See it, sense it. It smelled like me. Like one of the Red Howlers. That's impossible. But everything starts to blur and I hear someone calling my name, drawing me out and making me fall into an abyss.

"She's waking up!"

"Oh my fucking god," said a voice. "she's so fucking beautiful being red."

"Ow! Don't slap my head. It's true."

"Be careful with what you say, Alpha will hear you." A male voice growled.

It doesn't take long before I make out my surroundings. Jae, Kyle, Holly and Jules are staring at me like I was a maniac.

I squint into their faces, "What?"


"Well, aren't you going to answer your Luna?" I yelled. "And get the hell out of my face." I was suddenly in a bad mood and I had even used the word Luna as an advantage when I hated being called that.

They parted so quick I almost didn't see Kyle tripping over his own feet.

"What happened?" I asked.

Kyle explained. Jules had came out to look for me since I told Hunter I was going out for a run but hadn't returned. She found me on the ground near a lake.

A lake?

"How long was I out?"

" 'Bout two hours, Luna." Jae answered.

I held a hand out. "Nautica."

He nodded but I knew what he meant. He would only call me Nautica when Hunter wasn't nearby.

My hair came into view. It was red. What the hell? Their eyes were scanning me like a new piece of furniture. It was their first time seeing me like this.

"I'm gonna go up." They brought me a meal later on in the day and I was thankful to them for taking care of me so well and for not telling Hunter.

He would probably be home by now with me but he was somewhere else. No exact location that he revealed to me, which I was fine with.

I don't do anything productive at all. I started to wonder what I had been doing all my life. I've been defending, training, killing all by myself before Hunter came along. Now all I do is sit around and be lazy.

This wasn't me.

I got up and changed into black clothing and a zip up sweater. I tied my black hair high on my head and went out to the training grounds - a few blocks away from the house.

When I get there, many eyes are on me. There are barely any females here. The only female I saw was Bae, Jae's younger sister. This was totally not her scene, bloody matches and intense reflex exercises.

She's talking with a tan, buff man. It seemed more like flirting to me due to the conversation they were having but when she realized he wasn't paying much attention to her but me, she turned around.

"Nautica!" She jumped. She wore a sport bra underneath her thin sweater. If only Jae was here to see what Bae was doing and wearing. It was like her playground.

I waved at her, but she jumped into my arms. Well, okay then.

"What are you doing here?" Bae asked.

I shrugged, "I felt like I should start working out and train again. Been losing my touch."

Her eyes were constantly on the dark skinned man far away so I excused her to go with him, which she happily did. Didn't she have a mate? I guess not.

Everyone showed respect to me, but I got used to it over time. They either bowed or waited 'till I nodded their way as an approval, which was so weird. But it came to me like it was so normal.

I train one of the younger wolf. He's seventeen and inexperienced. The first son of Jem and Lisa B. Luke - his name, is inexperienced but he worked so hard that it amazed me. He constantly fell down or always got hit by me but never complained. Luke wasn't acting weak for me either.

Training with and training the pack was so enjoyable. I liked it so much that I didn't want to leave the training grounds at all.

"Nautica." His voice was sweet and tender, like the smooth dark sky above us.

I turned around, "Hunter." He scanned me. "Sorry, I'm kind of gross right now."

"That's why I'm about thirty feet away from you and wishing I didn't have wolf smelling senses right now." He joked.

"What are you doing here on the training grounds anyways?" He asked.

I shrugged for the second time today, "I like it." I confessed. He didn't seem surprised.

"I guess you did always like the color of blood, red."


Sorry, it was a filler and sorry I haven't updated in a month. Whew, so long.

But thanks for reading, love!


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