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"Hey Nautica." His hand brushed back my hair, making me feel like I was on cloud nine with just a touch.

I got up, "Are you feeling better?"

He nodded. It was the morning after the night of disaster. "You look rather pale though."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I don't what happened, all of was like world war three or something."

Hunter chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I've got some business to do with the Water Pack. I'll be back later, alright?"

I nodded. He'll probably end up killing them for marking his dad. "I'm gonna go check up on the pack at the training grounds."

"You have to rest more."

"Oh my god, no thanks. The only way I'll feel alive, is if I try to be alive." I groaned and got up to change into the proper clothes.

"As you wish." He called out before closing the door.

It isn't long before I reach the training grounds. The weather is bit chilly but many members are practicing.

"Hey Luke!" I called out. He waved at me with a cute boyish smile.

He ran over and bowed. "Hello Luna. I heard about last night. How are you feeling?"

I ruffled his hair. "I'm better." Although Hunter insisted I was too pale from the loss of blood. I started his training with him, much to my surprise - he had gained skills.

"You're quite the determined wolf aren't you? Luke, you've been doing great! I can see that you're improving."

"Thank you." He smiled.

My stomach started to hurt and from the corner of my eyes, I swore saw it. One of me. A red wolf. I groaned a bit.

"Are you okay, Luna?" Luke asked.

I gulped, "Yeah, I just....I'm gonna head back. You keep training."

As I was walking back home, I passed by a lake. I looked into it, my eyes flashed red. Bright crystallized red, like a pool of blood. Then I saw it again and it wasn't from the corner of my eyes only. The Red wolf was standing on the other side of the lake and oh my god, everyone was right. It's not just me now, but we are so unique and beautiful it even awed myself.

I turned my head from a sound of a car and turned back but it was gone. Almost as if the wolf was never there.

"Luna!" Kyle yelled from the car. I ran over after finally collecting my thoughts.

"What is it?" I asked. "Everything alright?"

He came around the car and opened the passenger door for me then started to drive. "There's a big problem."

"What happened?"

"Remember your friend Jake that died at the celebration for Luke?" Kyle asked. He was speeding down the highway at, at least 100 miles per hour.

I nodded. "The Blue Moon pack is declaring war on us, basically because Alpha killed Jake. Their pack consists of almost an equivalent amount of our pack. They aren't the best but they are holding Holly and Jules as hostages. We want to work it out with communication not violence this time around. However if we really have to, we'll do anything o get them back. Me and Jae are really on the urge of killing them soon. Do you think you can help?"

It was a little disturbing to be talking about a dead friend and trying to persuade his pack to let Jules and Holly go. However, if I don't act fast anything could happen to the both of them. "I'll do whatever I can."


After Kyle and I arrived back home, he told me Hunter had wanted me to dress up a little nicer. Of course he meant: put yourself in a dress and crayon yourself out.

So after much thought over the dresses that laid on my bed, I picked up the dark purple bandage dress. It was form fitting and would be nice to go out in the middle of the day.

Why would Hunter need me to dress up like this when we were suppose to go and rescue the two girls?

I'll only find out if I go.

Kyle dropped me off at a large and tall building in the city then told me he was gonna go park the car somewhere else. Right when I walked in, I already knew what the plan was because there were wolves that filled the room.

Suddenly, an arm looped around my waist. I swear I almost gnawed the hell out of his arm but I recognized this scent.

"Long time no see, Nautica." This person was Nick. He was the beta to the Blue Moon pack. Always and forever will be flirty is this person.

I lounged out of his arm politely because it was uncomfortable and felt all too wrong. "Hey Nick."

"I never thought I'd see you again. Funny to see you here because you don't seem to be with a pack." He arched a cocky eyebrow. My mouth was itching to lash out at him.

"She's with me." Relief filled me when I heard Hunter's voice. He didn't touch me but instead made eye contact with me and winked. A playful smile at his lips brought one to mine too.

Nick chuckled. "Interesting. You with him? Well isn't that a sight."

Did I mention he was always an asshole too? He will do anything and everything to ruin your mood.

"She joined my pack not too long ago." Hunter stepped in front of me and I looked around to find Kyle and Jae. They were standing at the corner, waving at hand for me to go over.

I walked over covertly. "What's going on?"

Through telepathy, both of them told me that the plan was for me to locate the two girls. To get information from Nick. Jae and Kyle can't communicate with their mates because it's been blocked off and their scents have been spread throughout to confuse us too, which makes it even harder.

"Hunter won't be happy with this plan."

"We know, he wasn't happy with it but complied with it because they're our mates and a part of his pack. What Alpha did to Jake, was necessary because he entered the celebration without invitation." Jae explained.

"And we have an invitation to be here? What is this thing here too then?" I asked, pointing at all the bright chandeliers with crystals hanging. Now that I look at it, the room was large filled with beautiful decors and a large screen was on the wall. Big windows surrounded all of us.

"We did. Today is the annual retreat. Basically wolves gather up and have a nice chat. Or not." Jae said. I nodded, it was a little weird to have like a reunion with your friends and enemies all at the same time. "I hate to make you do this, Luna but I'll appreciate everything you're gonna do. And if anything happens to you, I won't forgive myself."

I put my hand on Jae's shoulder. "I know their pack well. They should be able to trust me, however earlier Hunter told Nick I became part of the Shadow pack already. I'm not sure if he'll trust me that much to reveal their plans and location to me. They won't be able to do anything to the girls though. If they do, they should prepare theirselves for world war three."

My words drew a smile to their lips and they engulfed me in a hug. I was basically putting my life of the line to find them.

Hunter had long left asshole Nick and disappeared. It was likely that he was busy trying to develop an relationship with more packs.

I started on my hunt to find Nick. He wasn't anywhere to be found when I searched the entire building. Behind the building outside was a large pond with strings of light. No one was to be seen. I turned around and was heading inside but something stopped me. I knew the feeling. The feeling of empowerment from my own kind. I spun around to the direction of the lake.

There was a Red Howler approaching me.



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