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It happened all so fast.

Hunter and I ran as fast as we could to his parents house. Billions of thoughts were going through my mind.

I'm his what, exactly?

His father was unconscious when we arrived there. His brother Ry and his mother Kate were hovering over him in the living room.

"What the hell happened?" Hunter snapped. I sent him a glare for being so rude in a crucial moment but his eyes didn't meet mine.

"We don't know, he was in the back fixing the shed and when I went to check on him, he was laying on the ground." His mother frantically explained. I could feel her worry and frustration.

Hunter sighed and went over to his father who seemed to be paralyzed but I don't think he was.

"There's a mark on his neck. It's a droplet." Hunter says. I went over and examined it.

"He's bloating. His organs could explode soon." I said. All the eyes in the room looked in my direction. I lifted his shirt, "You see his stomach is rising." I poked his stomach. Kate looked at it unreal. She hasn't realized this at all.

"You need to drain the water out as soon as possible. Take him to the doctor or something." I explained.

He sighed and looked away. "I can't. Doctor Ray is out of town. I gave him a few days off."

I blinked. "You have only one doctor here? Are you fucking serious?"

Kate and Ry gave me a look, I don't really know what is was. Disapproval, maybe?

"Get me a pair of scissors and a scalpel, do you have that?" I pushed Hunter to the side. The three of them stepped towards me.

"What are you doing?" Hunter asked but Kate and Ry stayed quiet. I looked at Kate and Ry, Kate whispered to Ry to go get the materials and I nodded towards her way.

"I am going to save your father."


"Well if you haven't noticed, I asked for a scalpel and scissors."

"Are you sure you know how to do this? He won't die or anything?" He asked.

I sighed dramatically, "He's going to die if you don't shut that mouth of yours!"

He closed his mouth and everyone watched every move I made.


"Thanks." Hunter said as we were walking back to the house.

The surgery went fine and quick. His father was awake before we came back. He was a little dozed off and couldn't remember much but their whole family thanked me. They also watched with amazement.

Not to brag or anything.

I nodded, "What were you trying to tell me earlier?" It was starting to bug me since he couldn't finish it. The incomplete sentence was stuck in my mind.

There was a silence. We had stopped walking and were standing in front of the beautiful pond again. I hadn't known we were walking back here.

He looked me in the eyes, his irises were dark and mysterious. For the first time, I couldn't read them. "I..." He trailed on. "I want to tell you why I kissed you."

I gulped, anticipating the bad and the good. So much has happened since I've come to live with him and his pack. I didn't know the mystery of this town's name nor his last name or anything at all. It's not that I deserve to know or even need to but curiosity is building up in me.

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