Ch.25 - End

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"Morning baby." Hunter kisses my forehead. I smiled and rubbed my stomach. I was almost nine months, but lord, I am so ready to pop out this baby. I can't even bend or eat certain stuff but luckily Hunter always helps me.

"Morning Hunter." I say back.

He eases himself out from me and starts to dress. 

"I have a meeting today, I'll try to be back by dinner, ok?"

I nodded. I was still tired. I get up to make breakfast but Holly and Jules are already there. They beam as they see me walking into the kitchen. 

"Luna! Oh gosh, your baby bump gets bigger everyday!" Jules rubs my belly and smiles. 

I scoffed. "You guys are next!" We all laughed. 

After breakfast, we decided to go for a walk as I heard that it helps with the delivery and helps speed up things. We were laughing about something but we suddenly bumped into someone.

"Nautica." Luke is standing there. He looks strained and I could tell he had something to say to me.

"You guys head back to the house first." I say to Holly and Jules.

Luke suddenly hugs me and he starts crying. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me you were my sister?"

I envelope him and also start crying. "I'm sorry Nathan. Terrible things have happened to us in the past and you were in a good place already. I didn't want to ruin or change anything about your life."

He starts to cry harder but after a while he stopped and gave me a grin. "What an awful sister."

I laughed. "Fuck you."

He glances at my belly. "He's getting quite big in there."

I stared down at my humongous belly. "He's a monster, oh my gosh."

Nathan laughs. "So, what are you guys going to name my nephew?"

"Mason. We're gonna name him Mason." I smiled. "It means stone, or architecture. I want him to be built as a wonderful child and a strong man."

"I like it." Nathan smiled back.


 "Hunter, I don't feel right. I think my water broke, call me asap." I end the call, hoping he'd call back. On the way back home, there was liquid rushing down my legs but I wasn't quite sure if I had accidentally pee (which happens a lot actually) or broke my water. But now I was sure as I had conttactions so often.

"Breathe." Holly said as she was holding my hand. 

"Doctor Ray said he'd be here in five minutes." Jules said, rushing over. 

The door pops open. "Luna's going into labor now?"

"Yes!" Both of the ladies shout at Kyle and Jae.

"Run to get your alpha." I said through breaths. All I could feel was pain down below.

"You're crowning, Luna." Holly said as she took a look below. That meant that Mason's head was already showing. 

I screamed. It's not like I could hold Mason back in my fucking uterus. He's a monster, already coming out himself! Luckily Doctor Ray shows up and leads me through the process for a smooth delivery. 

He opens a light above me to see how Mason is doing. "Wow, he's quite ready."

"So am I!" I screamed. Beads of sweat were rolling down my face. 

The door flies open again and Hunter finally fucking arrives.

"Took you long enough! I can't stand this pain anymore." I yelled. I was getting irritated. Hunter replaces Holly and holds my hand. 

"Sorry, love. I'm here now." He squeezes my hand and I squeeze back. 


"Look at my handsome son." Hunter cooed. 

I chuckled. "He's mine too." 

"He's ours." Hunter laughs and brings Mason down next to me. It had been two months since I gave birth to Mason. He was wonderful. So adorable and such a happy little one. Everyone wanted to hold him throughout the day. Whether he be sleeping or just eating a bottle. He was loved by everyone. Mason was just like his father. 

Hunter also lays down with Mason between the two of us. 

"Thank you, for giving me him. I love you." Hunter says. His eyes flashed golden.

"Thank you, for giving me this new life. For saving me. For all of this. I love you." I smiled, flashing my eyes red at him. It meant I love him. 

Mason suddenly coos and we both look at him. His eyes were brown, with an adorable smile on, he looked at his father then me. 

"We love you Mason." I say to him. He giggled. 

Hunter and I fell asleep soon after. Mason had his own room and nanny so we never worried about him crying. I slipped out a silver ring and grabbed Hunter's left hand. I hadn't had the chance to buy him one since he proposed. I slipped the ring onto his finger. But he stirred and woke up. 

"What's this?" He asked, looking at the ring.

"Our wedding ring.I ever got you one but I had the chance to. 

"Come here." He says, and I obey, laying in his warm arms and listening to his steady heartbeat.

"I love you forever." I say. He looks at me, a little surprised. 

"I love you forever too." Hunter says back.



It probably wasn't the best but I felt that it had to come to and end. There are probably some loose ends and stuff that didn't make sense but I apologize.

It was my first fictional book so I was excited to start/end this But I am so glad I can move on, of course this book will always be one of my faves because of Nautica and Hunter's character. I felt like it was different from other wolf books about the "mates" thing as well as violence.

But anywho, thanks for reading. I appreciate everyone who supported me through this. Love you all and see you soon. 


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