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"You're my mate." Hunter said.

I shoved him which made me break loose. I stood up quickly, pointing a finger at him.

"I am not your mate." I yelled. He stood up from the bed and stepped towards me. "Stay where you are, I will punch you until you won't be breathing anymore."

He halted for only a split second before stepping closer to me. His scent slowed my anger. His hand reached out for me. "You are my mate. You feel what I feel, you can sense me easily and -"

"Stop!" I held my palms against my ear to prevent myself from hearing anything more. "I'm leaving."

Hunter followed me into my room. I grabbed my duffel bag and started to pile my things into there. He suddenly yanked me up by pulling my arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" He growled.

"I'm leaving! Was I unclear about it earlier?" I pushed on his chest thinking I'd be let go but his hands remained. I stared at my own hands in shock. It wasn't suppose to be weak but before I knew it, Hunter started to sway and his grip weakened.

"Hun - " This was my chance though. My chance to run away before he called the rest of his pack to take care of me. I looked back at him before I ran down the stairs. He was calling my name but it seemed like the allergic reaction was coming back.

Just before I crossed the gates of his house Kyle was standing there. Regret and guilt was shown in his eyes.

"You knew all along, didn't you?" I yelled at him. He bowed his head a little. The realization that many people already knew were coming into my head.

When the girls and I went shopping, they almost spilled it but Holly held Jules back from saying it. Jae and Kyle were only keeping their eyes on my because I was their Alpha's mate.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

I laughed dryly, "Sorry? Fuck you, Kyle." I took a step forward but he blocked me.

"Move out of my way." I spat.

His eyes glowed a bright blue. "I can't."

I lowered my bag onto the ground. Taking a deep breath I said, "They don't know what I am. I will ruin them."

"You are powerful. You are strong and unique, Nautica." My name seemed to not slip easily from his tongue. "I can only do one thing to stall you...And that is to fight."

With a devious smile on my face, I cracked my knuckles. He lunged for me but I dodged and hit him square on his jaw. He faltered back but quickly got his stance back.

It was just moments later that I was on top of him with my fingers wrapped around his throat. "You know what I am. I can kill you right now but you've been a friend to me so I'm gonna leave."

A playful smile came onto his bloody lips. "Alpha, get her."

Confused for a second, my body was lifted off of his and I was thrown over someone's back.

"Hunter!" I pounded on his back but he remained walking. I pressed my fingers around his neck and he barely manages to drop me onto the ground safely.

Holding his neck he said, "Are you fucking crazy?"

I stood up and picked up my bag. "Hunter, we can't be mates."

He came up to me and crushed me into a hug. I was dazed for a moment. "We are mates."

Looking into my eyes he said,"My wolf already confirmed it. We know what you are." His voice lowered. I stared at him in shock but gritted my teeth and glared at Kyle. "You told him, didn't you?"

Kyle stood up and brushed off his clothes. "I didn't tell him anything!" He yelled.

Hunter growled. "Don't yell at your Luna!"

Kyle backed away and apologized. "I am not your Luna! I reject you!" I yelled.

That's when I realize the eyes around us. There were lots of men surrounding us and they stared in horror shock.

Just for a moment, I felt pain go through my chest. "You can't reject me."

"I will only endanger you and your pack, Hunter. Don't you get it?"

"Don't take anything out on Kyle. I didn't force him to tell me anything. I found out on my own." Then he walked away from me.

But he called behind him, "Come back home."

I collapsed onto the ground, breathing hard. Kyle came into my view. "Nautica!" He shook me. My vision started to double up. Then everyone surrounded me.

Then I was gone.


There was only one explanation for my blackout.

My identity was slowly starting to be known.

I was sure my eyes had flashed brightly red or my roots had started to grow. My heart literally dropped when Hunter told me he knew what I was.

Last thing I know was that I was dangerous.

I found myself staring into the white ceiling of my room. Finding myself ruthless and powerless. Hunter was out somewhere else. Probably trying to sort out this situation. I, myself was finding this hard and unbelievable.

Me? His mate?

There wasn't an attraction to him that would be strong and powerful though. I saw him as a person I kissed and someone I could just rely on.

Then I was doubting myself when I came back to think of how I was feeling like Hunter from his allergic reactions. I thought it was just a coincidence. Or like how I smelled his scent just miles away.

It was all too confusing and hard to take in. I was wondering if I could accept this at all. It would lead me to a new life.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my door. I sensed his scent again and groaned. "Go away, Hunter."

"I'm coming in anyways." He opened the door and walked in then sat beside me on the bed. "We have to talk about this." He said softly and it calmed me down.

I looked away, irritated because I was starting to accept the fact that I was his mate and Luna to the pack. "There are myths that sometimes a certain type of wolf won't have the same desire as others when they find their mates. I think you're that type of wolf. My wolf is attracted to you in every way, Nautica. But you don't feel the bond as strong as I do, either because your mating bond was sealed to have less desire or you are hiding something with a potion."

I shook my head. "You are crazy. I will accept that we are mates and I am Luna to your pack. But, I am not hiding anything with a potion nor was my mating bond sealed. Now get out."

He left after planting a chaste kiss on my cheek.

And I was praying he wasn't listening to my heartbeat because everything I said was a lie.

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