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"You were supposed to order it by today already!"

I stretched, feeling the tingles in my body. An empty and warm spot was beside me. I jumped up in bed.

Hunter was on the phone and gave me a look behind his shoulder. He seemed frustrated but his face softened when his eyes met mine.

I went into my room and changed into jeans and a plain white tee-Fall was nearing and the temperature was declining. Then I washed my face and applied basic eye makeup and went downstairs.

The beta, third in command and their mates were all on the couch. Snuggled up a little.

I stopped in my tracks, my lips stuck in a thin line. It was so hard to look at people that betrayed me. Turning on my heels, I bumped into Hunter's chest.

Because of our height difference, I looked up at him and for the first time, I felt small.

"Good morning." He rubbed my arm up and down, sending tingles throughout my body.

A small smile appeared on my lips. "I'm gonna go grab a glass of juice."

He nodded with a warm smile that I bet no one has ever seen unless it was family.

When I reached the kitchen, I blew out a big breath. I didn't know I was holding it on at all. Rebecca wasn't here, I had guessed that she was busy doing something else or Hunter gave her the day off.

The refrigerator was full of all kinds of food from cheese to vegetables and ice cream. I gawked and grabbed the carton of juice, pouring myself some into a glass cup. My stomach grumbled, I was hungry because I was always so used to Rebecca fixing me a parfait or something else around this time.

I came back into the living room where Kyle and Holly were sitting together with her head on his shoulder. Jae had his arm around Jules shoulder in a proper manner and Hunter was sitting alone on a separate couch. I walked over to him and felt their eyes burn into my skull.

"Stop staring at me like a fresh piece of meat." I said aiming at the two couples.

Hunter laughed a little and patted the spot beside him. I gladly settled myself down. His fingers found mine and linked it through my own.

"And stop acting so awkward." I complained. Their eyes seemed to wander around and I sensed their uncomfortableness in the room. Being a Luna was new to me too so why are they acting so awkward like a bunch of weirdos?

The t.v. was playing a comedic movie which made the atmosphere less tensed and eased. I suddenly got up and went into the kitchen.

Supposing that no one was going to make breakfast, I had volunteered myself. My stomach had been trying to growl so much but I had held it quiet.

I started the pan and poured a little oil then cracked some eggs into a bowl. I then grabbed fresh potatoes and started to chop them into small slices and making then into a patty-like shape, attempting to make hash browns. Then I pulled out slices of ham and cheese and did my 'special' sandwich that Kyle loved. It took me about thirty minutes to finish cooking and I was surprised no one bothered to check up on me.

Especially my mate.

But he probably knew what I was doing already anyways.

I set up the table and even managed to pour glasses of juices for us all. When I walked back into the living room, they examined me from head to toe. Jules and Holly jumped up suddenly because I had on an apron.

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