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We arrived back home quite late that night. Very hungry too, might I add. He suggested that we stopped by a fast food restaurant for food but I rejected it. Then I found myself guilty for letting him get hungry too.

"Hm," I mumbled to myself as I searched through the fridge. There were so many choices to choose from. "Hunter, what do you want?"

Hunter had collapsed onto the couch with his phone pressed to his ear already. He was always busy with his business. "Anything's fine." He mouthed.

I shrugged and went back and grabbed flour, salt, black pepper and chicken thighs and legs.

Within thirty minutes, they were all cooked and looked devouring. I also made mashed potatoes from a boxed goods.

"Hunter," I called out. "The food's ready!"

In just a few minutes, Hunter finished his phone call and he joins me for the very late dinner. Words aren't exchanged much but his mood tells me he's content and enjoying the food.

After cleaning up the dishes and washing up ourselves - separately, I'm alone in my room when he knocks.

"Come in!" I called out. My fingers were busily scrolling down a feed of missing bodies and deaths. My eyes ran over, Missing Woman For Three Months.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hunter's voice drew me out. I just realized my mind was set on the missing woman's story.

"Killer Pack..." I whispered, ignoring Hunter unconsciously. I finally snapped. "What did you say?"

Hunter gave me a funny look then tackled me onto my bed. I laughed hardly from his tickling and struggled from his grip. "Stop!" I managed to choke out.

He stopped within moments and rested his forehead on mine. His lips landed on my nose then my cheeks and up to my forehead. "Have a good rest." Hunter said softly into my ear.

My cheeks burned as I nodded at his request.

What the hell, did I just blush?


It felt and looked good to have my track suit back on me. I have been skipping for a few days and was currently putting my shoes on for a six in the morning run.

Jules came out of her room too and jumped. "Morning run?"

I nodded and scanned her. "You too?"

She smiled as a response and I suggested we run together.

We turned a corner, "So where'd you guys go last night?"

Jules shrugged, "We went out to the city and watched a movie. Nothing much."

My eyes grew wide. "Really? We did too!" My voice grew girly and I coughed to cover it up. Jules laughed.

"Yeah, I know. Kyle and us were in the front of the drive in theatre. I heard you guys were attacked though. Kyle was throwing a huge tantrum at himself because Alpha wouldn't let him come help you two."

I laughed. It was kind of rare to see him act like that but I guess he has that side to him as a beta.

It all happened so fast. Jules was thrown to the ground at least ten feet away from me and she was clutching her stomach.

"Jules!" I screamed. She propped herself on her elbows. Her lip was busted open with blood out.

"Luna!" She yelled at me. My reflex was fast as a brown wolf charged at me. I swung him to the side and he whimpered but quickly regained his stance. Another brown wolf came and knocked me down but I felt little pain as I stood back on my feet.

Hunter. I called through telepathy. Hunter, there are wolves attacking us!

The two wolves circled around me while another brown wolf held Jules down. Jules was too weak to retaliate and there was no response from Hunter. Maybe it didn't work, maybe I did it wrong because it was the first time.

Because of me and Hunter's bond and because we were mates it's made me weaker and Hunter stronger. I don't know why but that's how it turned out.

I need my strength back.

One of the wolf was a beta and the other was a third in command.

I could take them down, but only if I transform and we were in the woods right now.

Should I risk my identity or me and Jules life?

Just as I made my mind, a loud thump rung through the air. Both the wolves were thrown down and a white and black wolf ripped their heads off in a blink.

The white wolf looked familiar. Like the one I had almost killed at my past house. But when it transformed into human, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hunter..." I whispered. I slowly backed away. He tried to kill me before he took me to his land. His eyes showed guilt and pain. Hunter reached out for me but I shook my head.

"How..." I gasped. "How do you change colors?" He was once silver and now white?

"I can explain." He sighed. "Just let me."

"No." I whispered. "I'm leaving. This time, don't hold me back or you'll regret it."

There were too many secrets here. My identity secret, his secret and this place's secret. I want my strength back. I want power again.

Jules and Jae stood to the side and Kyle and Holly just arrived but they stood to the side and watched every movement we made. I turned around and walked off but I could feel their eyes burning into me and Hunter's quick movement to stop me. I turned around just fast enough to swing him over my shoulder and pound him into the ground.

He growled. "I am not letting my mate leave."

"You don't have to let me, I'm leaving voluntarily from all this bullshit!" I screamed.

Hunter grabbed my wrist, his eyes were bright green - something I've never seen before. There was a reflection of red though.

I knew they were my eyes. I looked away and blinked rapidly, trying to cool myself down so the color disappeared to at least to a yellow color.

However I couldn't conceal it.

I felt my hair grow entirely red and my fingernails itched, they also turned red. Everyone gasped and Hunter's eyes grew wide, letting my wrist out of his grip.

I walked away and never looked back.

They know my secret now.


I'm sorry it was such a short chapter.


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