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First off, I would just like to say that there will be A LOT of curse/ swear words, so if you are not comfortable with it, I suggest that you don't read it. Unless you love to swear at people, feel free to continue to read!

Also, because it is snowing beautifully in my location, I updated it early for you guys.





"I see you've killed yet another one?" Kyle was here again. Kyle was an close friend of mine, he was mated but he and I knew each other way before I was on my own and before he was mated with his mate, Holly. Kyle had golden hair and glorious bright blue eyes and quite a fantastic body, might I add. He was currently a beta, for I do not know which pack and do not care.

I clapped my hands to get the filth off. "Yeah, that bastard's the fifth one this week."

Kyle also knew I was a red wolf, but he didn't tell anyone. He also don't know what powers I possessed - it would be too dangerous for both of us and everyone else.

"Why are you here, and where's Holly?" I opened the mahogany door and walked inside my house. It was large and never cozy but it was where I have been staying for the past few weeks. I always move because of the wolves who were always on my tail but here in Atlanta, it had decreased just by a bit but that doesn't mean I'm not moving next week again.

Kyle followed me in and made his self comfortable on the couch. "Holly's off shopping for the pack, apparently we're running low on food."

Just right when I was about to stuff the ham sandwich into my mouth, I threw the sandwich and it hit him square on the head. "Why aren't you helping her with the grocery shopping, you low life!"

"This is really good." He talked through the food.

I scowled at him, "You are no help." I opened my fridge and grabbed another already-made sandwich and unwrapped it. Walking over to Kyle, I grabbed the remote control and threw it on to Kyle's lap so he could turn the television on. Which he did, of course.

"Anyways, when are you moving again Nat?" My name was Nautica Rewolf, but I had no idea how he came up with 'Nat' as a nickname. Kyle used to teased me for my last name but whenever he did, I'd always punch him hard on the stomach. And I guess that is why he stopped calling me 'Rewolf' now too.

"Probably in the next week or I'm thinking about the next few days actually." I was interested of the news. Two males have gone missing in Rhode Island, but the truth was that an alpha in New York had recruited them to his pack. This is the ability that I have, which no other wolf has. I can tell what happened in another place if I just focused. But it was also depending on whether my mood and environment is set correctly.

Kyle nodded swiftly and threw his head back with his last bite of ham sandwich. Ugh, that fat ass. "Holly and I will be back to help you move then." He stood up and brushed his clothes.

"Thanks." I replied and followed him out. What exactly was the point of him coming? Ah right. He was avoiding the grocery trip with his mate and was just here to eat my delicious ham sandwich.

After I watched Kyle leave, I headed upstairs into my room and changed into workout clothes. After killing the black wolf and his little friend that was brown, I am aroused with energy. I had to go jogging around the area for a while to get myself tired a little. Tying my shiny black hair back into a pony tail already had me set into a mood for running, which I enjoy.

I started out on my usual route as always, it was around the distance of my house which was large as a department store's parking lot. After I had past the half distance, I felt it.

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