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Many thoughts were in my head.

Mostly Hunter.

What is his identity? What is he hiding from me? Aren't mates supposed to know everything? Especially the truth.

I was currently back at the house before I had moved in with Hunter. The landlords and I were fairly close so they allowed me to stay for a while and I was thankful for that.

The thoughts in my head swirled. I was so confused with everything and the emotional pull to Hunter was not helping.

Nautica, come back. I can explain. I heard a voice inside my head.

It's me, Hunter. I can explain. Only if you come back or else I'll come get you myself and I'm sure you wouldn't like that.

God, his voice was so infuriating and persuading all at the same time. Fucking telepathy.

I don't want an explanation - or at least not now. They know my secret, I'm a Red Howler but what did I know about their Alpha's identity?

Fuck you. I don't care what you are. Goodbye, Hunter.

Then surprisingly, the connection ended. Only a quiet head filled with the thoughts of him but not his voice.

My phone rang. "Hello?"

"Luna, where -"

"Go away, Kyle. I'm not your Luna nor your friend anymore."

He grumbled on the other line, "It's the instincts. You don't know what's happening here. It's chaos. Earlier, everyone in the pack momentarily felt the pain Alpha had earlier. It's impacting the whole pack, Lu - Nautica."

"I told you not to call her that!" I could hear Hunter's voice in the back. Kyle gave a deep apologize to Hunter.

I sighed, "Goodbye, Kyle."

I went to open the door since someone was knocking. "Hello Patty." My landlords' wife stood there. "Please, come in."

She sat on the couch while I went to get a refreshment for her. Her fingers fidgeted and nervous reeked from her. "I know what you are. I am one too. My husband and I are not your kind."

Startled, the cup in my hand broke into tiny particles, almost like ash onto the ground. "Oh god," Patty jumped from her seat.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm a little startled right now." I apologized. How can someone be so blunt about their wolf identity?

She gave me a curt smile, "I'm old, I know a lot." This was starting to get creepier as time crept on. "I'm almost two hundred years old. Oh yeah, I'm really ancient." She laughed.

"You're her, aren't you?" She asked me. Her eyes flashed purple. Purple? That isn't even normal.

"Who are you?" I demanded. "What are you!"

Patty laughed bitterly. "Honey, I'm just an old lady." Then she stood up and walk over to level us up; our eyes meeting. I felt a wave of power and authority. "I'm Natasha. Some call me Nat, others know me as Patty. I've been waiting for you, Nautica Flower."


Lately I just haven't been feeling this book much. Therefore I'm giving myself a lame excuse as to why I'm writing such short chapters: I have school.

Until further notice.


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