Chapter 48

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After the performance ended, Julie and Jay made their rounds with the guests that had come to watch the show. Many of them were quick congratulations and compliments before the guests had to leave. There were a few people, however, who had stayed later. Jay had found a few of his friends from school who had come by to watch and made a quick conversation with them before they needed to leave. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Nick and Julie conversing with each other with a light blush on both of their faces. Making a quick mental note to talk to Julie about it later, Jay moved to push the grand piano back into the studio.

When he was about halfway into the studio, the ghost boys noticed and moved out of the way. Jay finally got the piano where it was supposed to be, straightened his back, and sighed.

"You know, this would have been a lot easier if you helped," he said snarkily to the boys.

"Didn't think you needed it, to be honest," Alex shrugged.

"Yeah, I mean, you got it back all on your own, didn't you?" Reggie agreed. "I'd say you were fine."

"I'd say you're more than fine," Luke said, jumping in front of Jay. "What was all that you said about not singing?"

"The only reason I did was because you guys kept trying to get me to," Jay retorted. "You're not that slick, I could tell from the beginning."

"Well, we weren't exactly trying to hide it," Reggie argued back.

"It worked, didn't it?" Alex said.

Jay rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the nearby chair.

"There's pizza inside if you boys want it," Jay teased as he eyed Reggie and Luke. "Pepperoni. Your favorite."

"I call dibs on the big slice!" Reggie exclaimed before running out of the garage.

"Hey!" Luke called out as he chased after his bandmate.

Once both Luke and Reggie had left, both Alex and Jay had begun laughing.

"They're too easy," Jay said simply.

"Give them a minute, they'll remember that we can't eat anything sooner or later," Alex smiled.

"So," Jay began, swing an arm over the back of the chair as he turned in his seat to face Alex. "Were you also basically begging me to sing? I really could only see the other two and Julie."

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn't be able to see me," Alex shrugged. "Still needed to do my part."

"Did you guys plan that?"

Alex made a noise as if he were unsure or was implying a maybe.

"We all agreed we wanted you to sing. Guess it was a silent agreement."

Jay rolled his eyes at that statement.

"It wasn't that big of a deal. I agreed to play piano with you guys."

"Yeah, but it's not the same without you singing. It's like...I dunno, it's like something is missing."

Jay wanted to argue that something was still missing. Now that the performance high had run out and he was thinking clearly again, his mind had returned to the fear and anxiety that he came to call normal over the past week or so. Whether the others could tell or not, Jay didn't know, but he was determined to act like he was the same bandmate that the others knew and loved for at least a little while longer.

"We all really missed you, you know?" Alex said, breaking Jay from his thoughts. "Luke more than anybody. He wouldn't stop worrying about you and talking about you."

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