Chapter 29

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Both Luke and Jay's whirled to see Ray Molina standing over them. He was wearing the same clothes he wore at the house, his face showed his concern even if it was shadowed by the umbrella he was holding.

"Are you okay now mijo?" Ray asked, crouching down to Jay's level.

"Yeah," Jay nodded, glancing at Luke before looking back at Ray. "Yeah, I'm alright."

"Well, you sound better than you did earlier," Ray said, satisfied with the answer he was given. "There's a towel in the car, Julie and Carlos are waiting at home."

Ray held out a hand to Jay and the other boy quickly took it, pulling himself up.

"Can I, uh.." Jay trailed off, gesturing to the gravestones to his side. Actually, he was pointing at Luke, but Ray didn't know that.

"Of course," Ray said, patting Jay on the shoulder. "Come to the car once you're done."

Jay nodded and gave a small 'sure' as a response, something Luke was sure only he heard since he was standing right next to Jay, watching Julie's dad walk off.

"Good guy," Luke comments absently.

"Yeah," Jay says, making Luke look at him. "Hey, thanks for...coming to check on me. I didn't mean to make you guys worry."

"Well, you did," Luke says. "And don't feel bad about it. You should have seen Julie's face, she was trying so hard not to show anything."

Jay gave a small chuckle and Luke smiled knowing his attempt to lighten the situation had worked. Besides, Jay's laugh was always nice to hear.

"I better get going then," Jay says. "You coming with, or am I gonna see you at the garage?"

"I'm poofing," Luke says, holding up two fingers. "Peace."

Truth be told, Luke wanted to go with Jay in the car just to give him some comfort. But he had Ray, and Luke was sure that Jay and Ray had stuff to talk about that he didn't want to intrude on. Just like how Luke had to talk to Alex and Reggie, and he couldn't be interrupted.

Upon his arrival back in the studio, both boys had shot up to their feet and began bombarding him with questions about Jay.

"What happened, is he okay, he's on his way here right-"

"Okay, breathe Reggie," Luke said, putting his hands on the bassist's shoulders. "I've got a lot to tell you."

Luke would make sure not to mention a thing about how Jay's parents had died or how his family treated him now. He just needed to tell the boys about the fact that Reggie and Jay were blood family.

"Might wanna sit down for this one boys."

Reggie took a seat on the floor and Alex leaned on the armrest of the couch. Luke decided to lean carefully against the grand piano, crossing his arms and looking at the boys.

"Reg, I'm pretty sure Jay's your nephew."

There wasn't any other way to say it. Luke wasn't sure how he could have eased it onto them, not something as big as family. Neither of the boys spoke a word, they just stared at Luke until Reggie whispered a quiet "what."

"Your sister's name was Gracie, right? Gracie Peters?" Luke asked Reggie, who nodded. "That's Jay's mom's name."

"Okay, but there could be a million Gracie's out there," Alex pointed out. "How do you know it's the one we know?"

"Because Jay pulled the same prank that we did. The powder in the hairdryer. And he said she said her brother's friend did the same thing to her when she was his age."

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