Chapter 60

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After his conversation with Willie, Jay was brought inside with Flynn to talk with everyone. In this situation, everyone included, Julie, Carlos, Ray, Flynn, and both of Flynn's parents. Both Ray and Flynn's mother had prepared some food for Julie, Flynn, and Jay to devour before tonight's show. While they all ate, the younger party that was involved with the band shared with them the plan for tonight. Julie had gotten passes for Ray and Carlos while Flynn managed passes for her parents. Jay was asked if he planned on inviting his aunt or uncle to the performance, but Jay told them he didn't plan on it considering his relationship with them.

The truth was that he hadn't given them a single thought since the whole Orpheum plan worked out.

Eventually the group all came to an agreement that Ray would be driving Julie and Carlos to the Orpheum while Flynn's parents would take Flynn along. Jay would be getting a ride from his friend CJ, who wanted to interrogate Jay on how he managed to get their band to perform at the Orpheum so quickly.

Flynn and her parents had gone on ahead as they needed to stop by their house before heading to the Orpheum. That left Jay and Carlos to finish all the remaining food while Julie looked on with a look that very clearly said "why do I tolerate you boys." After they had finished, Julie and jay decide to go "video chat" with the rest of the band members in the studio.

Jay could have sworn that he saw a strange glimmer in Carlos's eyes once they had said that. He had just pushed it aside, thinking that it was just Carlos being Carlos again.

"Are you ready?" Julie asked the ghost boys as she and Jay opened the doors to the garage. The two of them immediately noticed their faces and from the corner of his eye, Jay could see Julie's face fall.

"What's wrong?"

"Yeah, we just got rocked hard by one of those jolt things," Alex said, answering Julie's question and reassuring them at the same time.

"Pretty sure I ghost peed a little," Reggie added as he, Alex, and Luke came forward and formed a line in front of Julie and Jay.

"TMI dude," Jay said, exaggerating a wince as he did.

"We're fine," Luke said, ending the conversation there.

"Actually guys, I'm a little nervous," Julie admitted to them.

"About what?" Luke asked. "We're gonna rock it tonight, just like we always have."

"Besides, I don't think nervous would come out here and ask how we're doing," Alex said.

"No, she definitely would," Jay said, placing a hand on Julie's shoulder. "But Luke's right. We play like we always have, and we're gonna be fine."

Julie nodded, placing her own hand on top of Jay's before looking around the room at her bandmates. She soon dropped her hand back to her side and Jay took that opportunity to remove his hand and place it into his pocket.

"Luke, uh," Julie began, giving a careful look to the sandy haired musician. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah," Luke responded.

Jay gave a gentle smile to Luke and essentially switched places, with Luke going to talk to Julie while Jay came over to join Alex and Reggie.

"While those two are talking," Jay began, looking over his shoulder at Julie and Luke's brief conversation. "Can I ask you guys a favor?"

"Yeah," Alex said immediately.

"Anything for you," Reggie said, which made Jay smile again.

"Once you guys cross over and you find my parents," Jay began carefully, having second thoughts to himself. Was he sure about this? He still had time to just leave it be, he didn't need to let them know.

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