Chapter 18

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Jay wasn't sure where his destination was, but he knew he'd arrive when he did. In his mind, he was just walking through the halls to stomp out his anger because he couldn't believe that the ghost boys had completely ditched the performance. It was completely unlike them, or at least Jay thought it was. Through the hours they had spent writing and playing together, the times where they were just chilling in the studio, Jay thought he understood the boys and vice versa.

Apparently he was completely wrong.

The cold air of the night brought Jay out of his angered thoughts and Jay realized he had managed to make his way outside. He was still restless, antsy, and before he even realized what he was doing, his fists pounded against the brick wall of the school repeatedly until his knuckles were bleeding. He let out a loud grunt as he landed his final hit, panting heavily. He dropped his fists to his side and stared at the blood drips on the wall, anger quickly turning into shame.

He was just like his uncle.

Jay felt the tears well up as he the thought entered his head. He quickly tried to shove the idea down, repeating to himself that he was nothing like his uncle. The slight burning sensation on his hands kept him from spiraling more, the blood on his first and second knuckles of each hand blending in with the bruising.

Jay rested his forehead against the brick wall, taking a few calming breaths. He could wallow in his own thoughts once he was back in his room, right now it was Julie that had him concerned. This performance meant so much to her, especially knowing how hard it was for her to even listen to music after Rose died, let alone play or perform. The boys knew that and they flaked on the night.


Jay suddenly perked up when he thought of Julie. She must be feeling terrible, and Jay had gone and stormed off. He could always wallow in his own thoughts later, right now he needed to support Julie. He knew how important this night was for her, knowing how hard it was for her to even listen to music after Rose had died, let alone play or perform. His anger had mostly disappeared for the moment, he was sure that he would be alright for the night. Right now, he needed to be with Julie.

Over at the Hollywood Ghost Club, Luke, Reggie, and Alex were enjoying the encore performance that Caleb was putting on that night. There was some magic in that club that just made them forget about everything else, something that locked their eyes, ears, and bodies to the music. It started with Caleb scatting and every ghost staff in the room, including Wille, had gotten up to dance. And maybe it was the rush of finally having eaten after twenty-five years, but the three of them jumped up to join the dancers on the floor, making sure Reggie didn't pass out from the dancers flirting with him. Alex eventually began dancing with two of the male dancers while Caleb had brought the twins over to Reggie and Luke, both of them completely gone for the night until the encore ended and there was a reverberating ring of a clock.

"The haunting hour is upon us," Caleb said to the room at large, making Luke look at the large clock on the wall.

"Twelve?" he exclaimed aloud, trying to leave the dancer that tried to keep his attention. "I'm sorry. Dude!"

Luke tried to get Reggie's attention, but just like him, Reggie was completely gone. Luke had to pick him up by the waist and turn him around so he could see the clock.

"We were supposed to be at the school at nine!" Luke said. 

"Oh shoot that's right," Reggie said, realization dawning upon him. "Maybe we can still make it. Where's Alex?"

Luke didn't pay attention to the absurdity of Reggie's statement and began looking around for his blonde friend until a familiar voice called out from above them.

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