Chapter 34

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Thank you guys for all the support on this book! I want you to know that I read all 40+ your comments and messages on this book and as the author, it makes me so unexplanably happy to see you all enjoying it. You all are on Jay's journey alongside him, through all the ups and downs, and I'm so happy to be able to share his story with you. I don't want to focus so much on the numbers, but over 7,000 reads and 200 votes?! Those numbers are unfathomable. Thank you all so much for your support and I hope you'll continue to support me as I write this book.

Luke sat on the couch in the Molina household impatiently, tapping his foot rapidly. He was worried sick about Julie and Jay and he knew that Reggie and Alex had the same concerns. He wasn't even paying attention to Carlos's shenanigans until Reggie had spoken up.

"Typical adult," Reggie scorned. "Do you remember when we were kids and they never believed what we said?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's just a you thing," Alex said. "I was always pretty trustworthy."

"Shouldn't we be more worried about Julie and Jay?" Luke asked, his foot still bouncing. "Her dad and his uncle just busted them, they're probably gonna have to quit the band."

Luke didn't miss the way that Jay's demeanor had completely changed when Julie's dad had mentioned Jay's uncle. He noticed Flynn's sudden concern and Julie's irritance was obvious considering her sudden outburst back at Eat & Beats. He was worried about both of them, really. Julie's dad was clearly not happy with her sneaking out behind his and Victoria's back, but there was something going on with Jay and his uncle that the girls knew about that worried them, and so it worried him too.

"Well, there's not much we can do about that now," Reggie shrugged. "But we can still help Carlos. Adults not believing children ends tonight."

Luke wanted to point out that even if he managed to change Victoria's mind, it wouldn't exactly do them or Carlos much good. But before he could speak, Reggie muttered a quick 'showtime' and reached to the lamp behind him, turning it off.

"Ghosts aren't real, huh?" Carlos asked confidently, both he and Victoria looking at the lamp that had 'magically' turned off. "How do you explain that?"

"Lightbulbs burn out all the time Carlos," Victoria said confidently.

"Ooh, wrong answer Tia," Reggie said, jumping from his seat and jogging to the blinds. "Explain...this."

Reggie began to flip the blinds and Luke huffed, crossing his arms and falling back against the couch. Alex scoffed beside him and the two boys watched quietly as Victoria got increasingly scared and Carlos was increasingly interested.

"Maybe it's my mom!" the boy said. "She knows I haven't been replacing the toilet paper."

"Your mama would never scare us," Victoria said. "This is the work of a demon!"

Reggie stopped suddenly, offended by Victoria.

"Hey. Words hurt."

Right when Luke thought Reggie would stop, Carlos expressed his need to get the events on video and Reggie's excitement kicked up again as he tossed a white sheet over his head, calling it an old classic. Victoria began screaming and dragged Carlos out of the living room with her. Reggie snickered and dropped the sheet, running his hands through his hair as he sat back on the chair.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Alex asked Reggie, who clearly didn't understand the consequences of his actions. 

"Yeah I do," Reggie replied proudly. "I've just defended every kid who's never been believed. Some might say I'm a superhero."

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