Chapter 59

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This took way longer to get out than I thought it would. I think I'm in a weird spot mentally or something, but here's the next chapter! I promise I won't abandon this story when we're so close to the end of season one.

Jay spent a few more minutes inside the garage with Luke before Reggie and Alex had poofed in. The two of them had immediately caught on that there was a moment happening between the two of them. Before there could be too much teasing, Jay quickly excused himself and left the garage.

"Hey, you can't leave me alone with these two!" Luke had exclaimed as Jay left.

"Have fun!" Reggie said as he and Alex waved Jay off.

So Jay quickly left the garage and left Luke to their bandmates' relentless harassment. He was sure that Alex had begun harping on Luke as soon as Jay had left and a part of him wanted to stick around to mess around with the boys, but he knew that if Alex would hop onto teasing Luke then Reggie would hop onto teasing Jay. 

Not that that was a bad thing. It would just be embarassing.

Jay kept going until he reached the porch of the house. Something drew him there, he wasn't sure exactly what. It was like some external being was telling him to be there because something was gooing to happen and he needed to be there.

Jay fished his phone out of his pocket and took a seat on the stairs leading up to the porch. He took up only one stair with his body, leaning back against the white wooden railing on the sides while stretching his legs out in front of him, though his knees were bent and his feet were already touching the other side.

On every social media site he checked, he could find several posts talking about Julie and The Phantoms. He found a local hashtag that started trending in the Los Angeles area on Twitter with posts from fans expressing their excitement of the band's performance. On Instagram, he could find edits made by fans. Collages, pictures, and videos all made from images of the band member. There were many that he found of both himself and Julie individually, as well as edits of the ghost boys. And then came the edits of the ships, which were a whole boiling pot of things. People that shipped Julie and Jay, Luke and Julie, Reggie and Alex, the list continued.

There was even a subreddit dedicated solely to the band. There were even more edits, but alongside those, there was fanart of the band, posts that would analyze the band's songs from a musical theory and psychological aspect, and more.

Jay enjoyed scrolling through all these posts. Not because he needed the ego boost; in actuality he felt very little in that aspect. He felt the appreciation and love coming from their fans, even if there were a couple of posts that definitely rubbed him the wrong way.

Jay had sat there for a while before he heard the familiar sound of a ghost warping. Assuming it was one of his band members, he didn't even look away from his phone screen before speaking.

"What's up?" he greeted, still scrolling through the Julie and The Phantoms subreddit.

"Hey Jay."

Jay's head whirled up when he heard the familiar but unexpected voice. Instead of one of his bandmates, he was greeted by an uneasy figure standing above him.

"Willie," Jay said, both in shock and acknowledgement. His body had moved ahead of his brain and before he knew it, he had moved his legs out of the way and turned to face his visitor, sitting normally on the stairs. "What are you doing here?"

Willie opened his mouth to answer but little to no sound came out. He struggled to find an answer to Jay's question, so Jay tried to push things along.

"If you're looking for Alex, he's inside with the others," Jay said.

"No," Willie said firmly. "I...I wanted to talk to you."

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