Chapter 65

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The next day the band was all hanging out in the garage. It was an incredibly normal day, it felt almost boring to have a regular day after the events of the past couple of weeks. It was the weekend now, so none of the Lifers of the band had anywhere to go during the day. So they all had spent most of the day in the garage.

It was initially Alex's idea to just have a chill day.

"I mean, everyone's been pretty stressed lately," he had said to the group that morning. "I think we all deserve a bit of a break."

So that's what they did. Jay had gone to Flynn's house to get a few things, including his laptop, and then went back to the studio. There the boys had found an old telelvision and Julie had suggested that Jay connect his laptop to the TV and they have a movie marathon.

"Sure," Jay had said, looking at the slots on the back of the TV. "But this thing's pretty old, I dunno if I can connect it."

"We have a VHS player!" Reggie exclaimed. "Can we use that?"

"We don't have any tapes."

"I do!"

"And how many times have you rewatched them?"

And suddenly Reggie's voice was lost.

After a few quick Google searches, Jay learned of a way to connect his laptop screen to the old CRT television, he figured that he would an HDMI-to-VGA converter and an actual VGA cable to connect them. He was aware of a store in LA that sold retro technology and video games, he was sure that the place would have the supplies he needed.

"Get some pizza on the way back!" Reggie told him after Jay explained the plan.

"Can we even eat it?" Alex pondered.

"Only one way to find out," Luke reasoned.

Julie rolled her eyes at the ghost boys' quick discussion.

"If you guys won't then we will, don't worry," she told them. "Jay has a black hole for a stomach."

"Not true."

"I literally saw you devour the leftovers from the garage party."

"Shut it, Patterson."

The rapid exchange encouraged some laughter from Jay's bandmates and he, truthfully, couldn't help a small smile of his own as he left the studio. After a quick conversation with Ray, Jay grabbed the car keys and jumped into Ray's car.

"Hello Jay."

Jay cursed, startled, as there was a 'whoosh' next to him and Caleb appeared next to him in the passengers seat.

"Ooh, watch that language," Caleb leered.

"What do you want?" Jay asked shortly, not bothering to hide his hostility.

"What, can't an old ghost come visit his Lifer friend?"

"We're the furthest thing from friends."

"Oh I'm aware. That's why I'm here to extend an olive branch."

"I don't want to hear it."

Jay, in an attempt to ignore the magician sitting next to him, turned the key in the ignition and the car engine roared to life. Beside him, Caleb snapped his fingers and in his hand appeared two plastic packages that contained the exact wire and adapter that he needed. Caleb held it out to Jay and Jay just started at it as if it were some sort of dangerous weapon.

"What's the catch?" Jay asked, eyes shifting to Caleb.

"Just answer a couple of questions for me," Caleb said turning himself in his seat so that he could directly face Jay. "How exactly did you reject me from possessing your body?"

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