Chapter 53

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I'm sorry it's been so long since the last update. I've been swamped with work, theater, school, and choir. But I do need to say that I have exams coming up soon so updates will probably be more infrequent until those are over. Hopefully I can still get a new chapter out to you guys once a week, but I hope you all can understand. I promise I haven't abandoned this story and I won't abandon this story any time soon either.

Immediately after school that day, Jay was supposed to head over to Flynn's house and get settled there. He still did, of course, he brought all his things from the Molina household over to Flynn's house and got reacquainted with her parents. He had already met the two of them several times before, having been friends with Flynn and Julie for years. Flynn's parents greeted Jay like a son: her mother had cooked a wonderful meal for him to eat quickly before he would dash off to Julie's garage and her father helped him get settled in what would be his new room until he would go off to college.

Soon after, however, Jay had made his way down to the Molina household and went straight to the garage. When he arrived, he was pleasantly surprised to see that the boys were out and Julie was already in there, searching for something.

"Getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we?" Jay asked as he entered, startling Julie. 

"Well, I figured I should help you find it," Julie said, her tone sliding and shifting to give away that she was lying. It was obvious, or at least, it was to Jay. 

"You just want to see his other songs, don't you?" Jay asked, crossing his arms.

"What?" Psh, no," Julie said, literally waving off Jay's question, but when his glare increased and he cocked up an eyebrow, she knew she was caught and sighed. "Okay fine. But can you blame me, he's barely shown me anything."

"He hasn't shown me much either," Jay said as he also began searching the garage for Luke's journal. "But I think you know that songs can be personal."

"I know, I know," Julie sighed. "You're right. I'm just curious."

Jay could understand the curiosity. Jay wanted to know what songs Luke had written and kept hidden from everyone else. He wanted to know what was going through his head and what he had created that hadn't been stolen from Bobby. But despite his curiosity, there were boundaries that couldn't be broken. Jay knew how Luke felt, wanting to only share his songs with certain people in a certain way.

"I found it!"

Jay's head perked up immediately and he looked at Julie up on the loft. Julie waved a journal at him and Jay held out his hands, signaling to her to toss it to him. Julie gently tosses it down and the journal spins slowly in the air and lands in Jay's hands. 

While Julie made her way down from the upstairs loft, Jay was quickly flipping through the ragged journal pages. He only looked at the top of the pages, reading the margins and the titles to find what he was looking for. He saw other songs as well, songs that he recognized as ones published by Trevor Wilson, songs that Luke had suggested that they put together with the band, and titles that he had never heard of before. He didn't care for those though, there was only one song that he was looking for.

Jay froze when he had finally arrived at the page he was looking for. The top of page had no title, but he knew it was what he was looking for because in the center of the page, scrawled in Luke messy handwriting and circled about a million times, was the words 'Unsaid Emily.'

Jay turned the page to see how much more of the song there was, but luckily it only went until the back of the page. He carefully tore the page out of the notebook, trying not to damage the paper. Luke's journal was essentially a hard-cover composition notebook, which Jay always found difficult when it came to tearing out pages because they were bound with a thick string.

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