Chapter 57

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"Look, don't worry guys," Alex reassured his friends as they walked down the sidewalk underneath the marquee of the Orpheum. "Willie and Jay said they'd get us on that marquee."

"This is gonna work, right?" Reggie asked.

"It has to," Luke said, looking up at the marquee that read 'Panic! At The Disco.'

At that moment, all three of them were hit with a hard jolt that made them groan in unison.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" Willie asked as he appeared behind them.

Alex, Luke, and Reggie all turned as they caught their breath, straightening their backs as much as they could while Alex fought to keep his internal monologue silent once he saw Willie.

"Yeah," Alex breathed out. "Yeah, it's nothing we haven't felt before."

Willie nodded and the boys of Sunset Curve took a couple of steps closer to him.

"How'd it go?" Alex asked.

"Well, when that opening band wakes up, they're gonna find their bus 200 miles outside of Vegas with no chance of getting back in time," Willie said proudly, turning around quickly to show off the jacket he had stolen from Downslide, the band that was meant to open that night. His giggle made Alex's heart flutter as Willie and Luke did a quick handshake.

"And that means there's probably a promoter upstairs right about now freakin' out," Luke said excitedly, his hand gestures as wild as ever.

"Nah, this is Hollywood man," Willie argued back, though his voice was lighthearted. "I'm sure he's being very professional."

Alex, Reggie, and Luke all shared a quick look while Willie chuckled. Alex walked closer to Willie and could hear the footsteps behind him as Luke and Reggie walked away to give them some space. Suddenly Alex's anxiety had been dialled up to fifteen and he wiped his palms on his pants before he spoke.

"I know how much you're risking," he began carefully, thinking out every word before it came out of his mouth. "Thank you, Willie."

"I told you," Willie smiled. "I'd do anything for you."

Alex nodded and began to step away, something inside him declaring the conversation finished. But another part of him said that those few sentences weren't, and so he breathed deeply and pulled Willie into the tightest hug he could. He could feel Willie's sudden shock, but he also felt their racing hearts as the long haired skater quickly returned the hug, nuzzling into the area between Alex's neck and shoulder. Alex had rarely ever felt more at home, more comfortable, more warm. He wanted this moment to last forever.

And yet he couldn't.

Alex relectantly pulled away from the hug, clearing his throat as he did.

"Alright, you, uh..." he stuttered, trying to regain his bearings after his emotional high. "You better get out of here before Caleb catches you with us."

"Yeah," Willie said lightly, though his face still held that crooked smirk that Alex adored. "I'll see you around, hot dog."

Alex couldn't help the smile that appeared on face as Willie said the nickname that still rubbed him the wrong way, and yet it was almost endearing when it came from Willie. Before either boy could say anything more, Willie turned and began skating away.

"Alex," Luke's voice said from behind him as his eyes were locked on the skater that was drifting farther and farther away. "You alright man?"

"Yeah," Alex said after turning back around to face his bandmates. "Yeah, I'm okay."

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