Chapter 28

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Luke had poofed to the entranceway of the cemetery. The rain was pouring down hard but Luke remained completely dry. The other visitors at the cemetery wouldn't be so lucky.

Or so he thought.

When he arrived, Luke was frozen in place by the large number of people who were at the cemetery. For a rainy afternoon, there were too many people. But Luke could tell immediately that they were ghosts. For one, they remained completely dry in the rain just as he did. Many of them were wandering spirits, passing through the gravestones and the few Lifers that were around.

What really caught his attention, though, was a large group of ghosts that seemed to be crowding around a single area. There were several voices speaking at once and Luke immediately gravitated towards the mob.

"Please, I know you can hear us, I need you to do it for me-" one of the ghosts pleaded.

"He won't do a thing for you, selfish little brat," another ghost spat.

"Stupid child, should have gone with his parents-"

"It's his fault they're gone anyway, that's what the old coot said-"

Luke shoved past the crowd of ghosts, ignoring their protests, and stopped when he reached the center. Jay was sitting on the ground, his knees up by his chest while he hugged them. His eyes were locked onto the two gravestones in front of him and he didn't seem to mind the fact that he was soaking wet.

"They were such good people, I can't believe the two of them raised a f-"

"Hey, shut it!" Luke exclaimed before the ghost could finish her sentence. He heard enough of that word back in the 90s towards Alex, he wouldn't stand around and let it be used towards any of his friends like that.

"Who are you?" the same ghost asked, clearly offended by Luke's words.

Not that he really cared at the moment.

"Leave him alone," Luke said, turning to the rest of the crowd. "All of you, leave him alone!"

"A ghost defending the Lifer," another ghost from the crowd scoffed. "Hilarious."

"Get outta here!" Luke yelled at the ghosts, startling a few of them. "You heard me, get!"

It took Luke a while, but he had eventually chased off most of the ghosts there. The entire time, Jay had only looked up once to give him a quick glance, not that Luke realized that. He had quickly returned his gaze to the gravestones in front of him before Luke had finished yelling at the ghosts.

Luke shook his head as the last of them left, turning his attention back to Jay, who, to his knowledge, hadn't moved an inch.

"Hey," Luke began awkwardly. He wasn't sure how to approach this, Alex was always better at the comfort thing. Even Reggie was better than him actually, Luke was usually too dense to notice something was wrong unless it was one of the boys.

Jay gave no reaction to Luke's voice and Luke sighed. He sat down next to him, not caring that the man was drenched from the rain. Luke mimicked his posture somewhat, resting his arms on his knees. The two of them were in tense silence, neither speaking until it got to a breaking point.

"What are you doing here?" Jay asked eventually, his voice raspy.

"I was worried," Luke said, clearing his throat as he corrected himself. "We all were, me, Julie, the boys."

"I was expecting Ray."

"He's on his way." Luke looked carefully at Jay. The rain seemed to hide most of his features, but Luke could tell from his eyes and tense jaw that Jay definitely had tears running on his face at some point before he had arrived.

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