Chapter 54

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These next two chapters are probably the chapter that you all have been looking forward to since this book started, ever since day one. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding with me as I work through my own life to bring you this story. But without further ado, this is Unsaid Emily.

The next twenty-four hours or so had gone by restlessly for Jay. He still had the paper with Luke's lyrics in a pocket, this time one on the inside of his shirt rather than his pants. After school ended, his immediate instinct was to drive to the Molina house and hang out with the band in the studio. Of course, he first had to drop Flynn home before he and Julie could head to the studio. Flynn's mother was kind enough to let Jay drive her car, saying that Jay was a trustworthy young man and that as long as he continued to take Flynn to school and back, he could use the car as he needed.

After he had dropped Flynn back home, he and Julie went straight to the Molina household. 

"Wait wait wait," Julie said as Jay began to step out of the car. "I'll go check on the boys, you go to Luke's house."

"We're doing this today?" Jay asked, but his words fell on deaf ears as Julie had already begun running away to the studio. "What- Jules!"

Julie had already run off beyond earshot. Jay scoffed and let his head fall back against the headrest in disbelief, though there was a smile playing on his face. 

Was he expecting to go to the Pattersons house with Luke so soon? Absolutely not. But he knew that if he didn't do it soon, he may run out of time to be able to do it with Luke still around. The boys were on a time crunch, had until Caleb's curse either destroyed them or they crossed over.

He had to give Emily the song now.

As he backed out of the Molina driveway, he tried to mentally prepare himself for what might happen. He had an idea of how Luke would react when he saw Jay there, especially since Jay himself had songs that were personal messages to people. But this was something that the whole Patterson family needed: Luke, Emily, and Mitch.

But even so, as he pulled over on the street by the Patterson household, he couldn't stop the sweat that started forming on his palms as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. Or the way that his heartbeat quickened when he stepped out of the cae and looked at the one story house. Or the way his mind was yelling at him to turn around and leave immediately, before he got caught. But it was too late now, he was at their doorstep. All he had to do was ring the doorbell.


Luke's voice shocked Jay out of his daze and the taller boy looked at the ghost that had just poofed in.

"Right on time," Jay said, more to himself than to Luke.

"What?" Luke asked aloud, hearing Jay's verbal thoughts. "What are you doing here?"

"You guys helped me with my family," Jay said simply, pulling out the folded paper from the inside of his shirt. "I think it's time I helped you for once."

"Is that..." Luke trailed off, staring at the sheet of paper that was so familiar to him. He then tore his eyes away from the paper and looked to Jay, his blue eyes showing his hurt.

"You looked through my journal?" he asked, voicing his feeling of betrayal. "You knew how personal that song was and you stole it?"

"If I stole it for myself, I wouldn't be here right now," Jay said sharply. "You need this song as much as your parents do."

"You don't know that-"

"Don't I?"

Jay wasn't sure if his words were really getting through to Luke because all that showed in his crystal eyes was betrayal. He was hurt that Jay had looked through his music, seen his personal songs. He was upset that Jay spied on his visits to his parents, whether he could have helped it or not.

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