Shuichi x Kaede

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Since I found this on google I am not sure if the artist for the picture is chiganoko on Twitter

The person who did the Saimatsu edit is sxyonara
And the link is

"Hello, Kaede" Shuichi greeted Kaede "Oh, hello Shuichi!" "IWASWOBDERINGIFYOUWOULDLIKETOGOONADATEWITHMEANDBEMYGIRLFRIENDBYE" [A/N writing it in caps feel better than not I'm so sorry it's in caps pretends it's not but Shuichi said "I was wondering you would like to on a date with me and be my girlfriend bye" Shuichi blurted out before running away very very red. "Hey, Shuichi wait up!"
Kaede called for Shuichi before bumping into Shuichi cause Shuichi went to a dead end. "I would love to go! And I would like it if I was your girlfriend" Kaede said blushing a little and Shuichi blushing a lot
-Time skip to the restaurant and NOT cafe cause I said cafe first-
"Welcome to [restaurant name]! How may we be of service to you?"
The waiter greeted the two. "Can we get a table for 2?" Kaede asked the waiter. "Of course! It's right over here" the waiter showed them to the table. "Here is the menu please call for me or another waiter when you're ready to order." The waiter left after saying that. "Want to get the
[insert Kaede or Shuichi's favorite food cause it doesn't show on google]? It's yours/mine favorite food" Kaede asked. Shuichi just responded with a "Sure Kaede" "Waiter we're ready to order" Kaede said trying to get a waiter. After 4 minutes of Kaede trying to get a waiter. "I'm sorry I'm late all the waiters are busy. I had just finished cleaning up 2 tables sorry." A new waiter apologized a lot. "It's fine! Can we get [insert food]?" Kaede asked the waiter. "Of course anything else?"
(A/N wait this sounds like a restaurant so heh imma change it to a restaurant now.) "Yeah, that's it for me. What about you Shuichi?" Kaede asked. "I'll get some water (A/N you can put another dink if you want)

That's all I'm writing I don't know what else I should write so I'm not gonna continue cause this is like 2 days late. Also I include the number for the words as a word so yeah and the word "words"
Words: 389

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