Male! Komaru x Male! Toko part 2!

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Part 2 of Male! Komaru x Male! Toko/ Genderbented Komaru x Genderbented Toko
It's chapter 6 named "Take this as an apology" I believe
Read part 1 if you haven't!
Enjoy~ (I find it cute to use the "~" but it's uncomfortable to use)
Words - 554
Art credit - No art but credit to me cause I took a screenshot of me being lucky in Supermarket tycoon( I think that's the name?) On Roblox
Video credit - MrBeast
Video link -
"WAKEUP SLEEYHEAD!" Komaru said while slamming a pillow (you can call it a chair wrapped in blankets enough so it won't hurt on impact) to his older sister's head

-Makoto's POV-
SERIOUSLY WHAT NOW. "It's Saturday 1 more hour" God, can't he just let me sleep!? "NO! It's 2" WAIT 2 A.M? Dam what's so important. "YEAH ITS STILL EARLY" just let me go back to sleep. Also, it's too early to be screaming. "You. Didn't. Let. Me. Finish. It's. 2. P.M! Wake. Up. Or. Else." He doesn't sound mean in any way possible no matter how hard he tries

-Komaru's POV-
"Yeah yeah, whatever. What's so important anyways?" *sigh* "Can I borrow your phone?" Totally doesn't sound suspicious

-Second POV-
"Why? You have a phone of your own!" Makoto questions his younger brother. Then it clicked. "Oh, you want to talk to Toko right? She doesn't have a number I believe. Even so, Byakuya would probably be the only one to know and he most likely not have him in her contacts. Listen I have her email cause Toko told me so he can contact you. Now scram" Makoto says before thinking 'That's probably too harsh but I'm not in the mood'  Makoto. "B-but Makoto!" Komaru says before slamming the pillow on Makoto's head. "What now?" Makoto asks Komaru. "YOU NEED TO TELL ME. Even if I have this information I don't know his email"

-Komaru's POV-
She's so stupid. I wonder how she even got into hopes peak. Let alone get straight A's. "Ah, right. Let me get it for you." She said handing me her phone. "You must be tired eh?" I mean who would be tired at 2:45 P.M? Most people would be awake at this time. "Well do you want his email or what?" Right zoning out huh? I took the phone and started writing a letter to him

Komaru: Hello! I'm Komaru Naegi. Um, so I heard from my sister that you don't have a number yet. Can I help you make one?
Toko: I do have a number just never gave it out to most people
Komaru: Oh well wanna meet up?
Toko: Sure.
Komaru: So what's your number?
Toko: (insert number) so where do we meet up?
Komaru: At Sweethut maybe?
Toko: Sure maybe we can get some snacks as well
Komaru: Great idea Toki!
Toko: Toki? If that's a nickname then I swear to God if you call me that again
Komaru: What you gonna do Toki?
Toko: I'm gonna block you and ignore you
Komaru: BUT TOKI! :(
Toko: Fine
Komaru: YAY! :D
Toko: You're such a child
Komaru: I know

-At Sweethut-

-Second POV-
"Toki!" Komaru called out for Toko. When Toko looked back to see Komaru. Komaru has already given Toko a big hug. Very friendly indeed.
___________________________________Part 3?

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