Kiyo x Angie day/part 5 + Shuichi x Kaede

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I'm just gonna skip day/part 4 sorry I want to keep this series ongoing but I have been stuck at the party part
Also this is going to be two in one
Ships - Shinnaga (Kiyo x Angie) and Saimatsu (Shuichi x Kaede)
Art credit: Couldn't find them sorry!
No edits but the song is My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone

"Shuichi! You're going 2 over the speed limit" Angie told the Shuichi who was going at a 52 while the speed limit was 50. "Oh sorry I guess I was too caught up in this double date. Want to go stop at a restaurant or a cafe? Or do you guys want to eat when we get there?" Shuichi asked everyone "I'm okay I mean we did pack some food we can eat in the ca-" Kaede said before being cut off by Angie "Atua says we shall go to a cafe!" Kiyo was asleep so he didn't get to answer (A/N why is this so fun to write when I'm panicking cause this sounds bad to me?) "I guess we'll go to a cafe then" Kaede then agreed with Angie.
-Time skip to Animal Cafe-
(Yes that's a real cafe in Japan I just searched up "Cafe's in Japan" and that was the first one that came up so)
"Kiyo wake up!" Angie said to wake up Kiyo. "Yes? Are we here now?" Kiyo asked while Kaede answered saying, "No we're not here yet. We stopped at Animal Cafe to take a cafe break"
-Time skip to the water park because I am tired of staring at my keyboard writing this-
"I'm going with Shuichi to the water slide are you guys coming for going somewhere else?" Kaede asked Kiyo and Angie. "I'm gonna go to the pool. I'm not sure about Angie" Kiyo answered. "Atua says the pool!"
-With Kiyo and Angie at the pool-
Angie kept splashing Kiyo while Kiyo was trying to swim this went on until Kiyo started splashing Angie they had a water fight
-With Shuichi and Kaede at the water slide-
They kept sliding down until someone broke it so it closed for an hour they only used the water slide for 20 minutes. (Also Kiyo and Angie were having a water fight for 10 minutes and Angie was smashing Kiyo with water for 10 minutes)
"Aw man I wanted to have another race to see who's faster," Kaede said while frowning "It's okay Kaede. How about we meet up with Kiyo and Angie at the pool?" Shuichi tried to cheer up Kaede. "•o• that's a great idea Shuichi!" Kaede said cheerfully before giving a peck on Shuchi's lip. (Shuichi = •///////•) Shuichi was blushing but not as much as he was when confessing to Kaede.
-Time skip to where they met up-
"Oh, hello Kaede and Shuichi" Kiyo greeted Kaede along with Shuichi. "Did something happen at the water slides?" Angie asked. "Yeah, it broke down. Do you guys mind if we join you guys?" Kaede answered Angie also asking a question. "Atua says you guys can!" Angie answered Kaede after like 27 seconds of silence.
-After they finished their water fight they went to go on the water slides and now time skip to when they're done and at their hotel room- (Just go with it I know this info might be wrong)
"That was a fun time!" Kaede said "Atua agrees with Kaede," Angie said after Kaede. Kiyo was getting food. Kaede and Angie chatted with each other. Shuichi was reading a novel. (A/N I'm just gonna narrate this okay? No dialog cause I'm lazy and I want this done so sorry if it starts to get lazy) After Kiyo got back they are while watching TV shows or cartoons. Shuichi watched like 30 minutes of it before finishing his novel then going to sleep. They all went to sleep after finishing one season of the TV show or cartoon
The end
Words: 666

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