Komahina (post for Komahina kinda)

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I can't finish the Komahina for the ship of the week. So take this short Komahina cafe date (lol I wanted to make it a cafe date sorry but couldn't make it in time :( I'm so sorry!. Also everyone is genderbented

"Darling~" Nagito calls out for her girlfriend. "*cough* Hm what's wrong Nagito?" (A/N (S)HE DOESN'T HAVE COVID) Hajime asks Nagito
-Nagito POV's-
"How is my darling doing?" I asked while kissing her on the forehead. "I'm fi-*cough cough*ne. You shouldn't stay you can go you shouldn't get sick because of me" she waved her hand like she was getting me to go away. How cute~ (A/N I hate using the thing "~" also sounds like Nagito is acting like Lisa tbh)


Looks like it's raining. I guess we'll have to wait" This is disappointing. Especially because I was excited about this date. "Wait for what?" Hajime asks. I forgot to tell her. "It's nothing dear. Don't worry" I hope I reassured her. Getting in the bed and cuddling with her. How can trash like me find someone so perfect?

The end
Words - 169

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