Nagito x Chiaki (ship of the week)

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Art credit: saltysusan
App to look for the creator: DeviantArt
Video credit: Lol ita
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AU - Non-despair
Type: fluff
Prompt: Minecraft date +

be/3yQIWosLiBkAU - Non-despairType: fluffPrompt: Minecraft date +

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Words: 358

"What's that smell?" Nagito questions. "Sorry. I made you dinner but it kind of set on fire." Chiaki said. She looked sad. "It's fine. Why would you want to make dinner for trash like me?"

-Chiaki's POV-
There he goes again calling himself trash. "You're not trash. You've been working very hard to make money for the two of us. Well, three cause of Monomi but she's a rabbit. I wanted to do something for you." I kinda just went on rambling about how he isn't trash. Cause he just cut me off saying "It's fine Chiaki. How about we play some Minecraft? It's been a while since we've played it."

-Nagito's POV-
Wow, she killed me. In one-hit. I mean trash like me wouldn't stand winning a 1v1 with the Ultimate gamer. "You've been playing a lot huh?" I questioned I mean the answer is most likely a yes. "I mean yeah. You've been so busy so we never got to play together and enjoy ourselves" of course it was a yes. I guess I am the Ultimate Lucky Student

To be as lucky to get someone as great as Chiaki.

-Hajime's POV-
knock knock. "HELLO!?" I think I said that a little too loud. "Oh, hey Hajime what brings you here?" I thought Chiaki would answer the door. "Chiaki told me she burned your dinner she was making for you. So I decided to just bring some food. Also, I bought some food for Monomi cause Chiaki always forgets and you're always busy and can never find time to go to the store."

"Oh, I see Hajime. We were just WAIT WHAT" Nagito didn't even finish he just kinda screamed. "Something wrong?" Chiaki asks. "Yeah, we've been playing Minecraft for an hour. And Hajime wanna join us?" Nagito asks. How kind they thought about me. "I don't want to ruin your date since Nagito's always busy so enjoy the time with each other bye!"

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